Chinchillas !
Doll Face Persians
fit in the palm of your hands !
Silver Persians
Reserved for Cattery - TinyPersians
Sired by Prince Amar
Full sibling to Yoshi and Versace
Now producing litters - reserve on of SomeWhere My Love's kittens today !
2019 Silver Chinchilla female Persian kitten
Princess Keesha sired by Pooh Bear
Silver Chinchillas
Sold - Texas
" Silver Chinchilla"
We have. Persian kittens right now !
Black & Cream
" Tiny Tot "
a past 2017 Silver Chinchilla
Persian Kitten
What are you waiting for?
Reserve " Tiny Tot's "
today - Retired breeder
More colors . . .
Retired in 2023 "Tiny Tot" Available to a forever home
Just pay Departure Expense- contact us for details
New home covers spaying and neutering pets
Goldens !
Reserve a Persian or Exotic Shorthair-Longhair kitten
We offer Silver Persians
Exotic Shorthairkittensthat are either Shorthair or Longhair
Taking reservations for Christmas kittens
What you should really know about the Silver Persian Cat . . .
Merry Christmas !
Black Persian Cats produced out of the Silver Persian Division are rare . . .
and are extremely small !
Black Velvetnow an adult - 4 pounds !
Perfect Doll Face Chinchillas
Top Pick 2019 Persian kitten
Teardrop and wide round eyes
Very tiny - will stay small !
Standard sizes available too !
"Giovanna" x "Saafir" grandson!
" 2020 Persian kitten "
Turquoise Eyes
Goldens !
What TinyPersians customers are saying . . .
" Black Velvet "
For Sale
Shaded Goldens
All actual Persian kittens bred by TinyPersians
Kitten Litter out of TinyTot now available !
Tequila Sunrise - Sold - California
Sold - Texas. "Yoshi"
" 2017 Persian kitten " reserved for TinyPersians breeder
CFA Silver Division Persians Cats of many shades and colors
2018 Solid Black Female Persian kitten
" Little Lady" Persian female
Silver Chinchilla kitten "
Blacks !
Full Sister to "Bobbie McGee"
" Tiny Tot " - now an adult - offered for sale !
TinyPersians - known for breeding playful,
sweet, exquisite doll face Persian kittens !
Sold - Hong Kong
2018 Silver Chinchilla Persian kitten
Plan in advance - Reserve a
Silver or Golden 2024 Christmas kitten . . .
it is not too early to reserve a 2024 Christmas Persian kitten !
Be the first to choose !
" This is Purrfection ! "
< This Persian kitten is 2 pounds - 4 ounces
Learn about Persian Cat coat colors and patterns
Playful Persian kittens
2019 Silver Chinchilla male Persian kitten - "Sir"
TinyPersians a CFA Registered Cattery specializes in breeding Silver Persian Cats
Highly selected breeders . . .
we are rated by our customers as the top U.S. Silver Persian
miniature, teacup & standard Persian Breeder
Choose your Persian
kitten today !
Silvers, Silver Chinchillas,
Shaded Silvers, Shaded Goldens, Goldens,
Golden Chinchillas
Whites, Blacks, Torties
Golden Chinchillas
“ The finest Cat known for centuries and still the # one cat today ! "
The Persian Cat !
" Envision a gorgeous fluffy pampered Persian cat perched over the arm of your chair . . .
enjoying sunny window views - awaiting your arrival "
This breed loves your company and is known for its sweet personality
They have a reputation of being royal, sweet, and loyal, with a personality that makes the Persian cat the number one breed sought after Internationally!
Now that says a lot !
A cat breed that the entire globe adores and makes them their favorite feline !
Here at TinyPersians we specialize in the most popular and requested colors of the Persian Breed
. . . the Cat Fanciers' of American Association - CFA Silver Persian Division
Our outcrossing is within the Persian breed
is done by infusing CFA other color divisions such as
the pure white Himalayan blue eyed Persian cat . . .
complimenting the Silver Persians
The benefits are their coats are even more gorgeous and
insuring an expanded gene pool
so offspring has a reduced chance of health issues !
You will find many colors and patterns to choose from at TinyPersians
With this quick Shopper Guide you can choose a Persian kitten by color and look
Give us a call if you would like help choosing your Persian cat
Fill out the KITTEN INQUIRY FORMto receive additional information
Putting a Persian Kitten DEPOSITdown insures your kitten is reserved for you !
When a DEPOSIT is made . . . you do not have to choose immediately
Quick Shopping
. Shop Persian Cat and Kitten supplies
. Learn how to care for your Persian cat / kitten
. Recommended Grooming Products
. Ship your Persian cat safely
. Reserve a Persian Cat - Kitten Application
. Quick Review of the Persian Cat Breed
2018 customer departure photo
Ask about upcoming TIN TOT look-a-like Persian kittens
Several to choose from Silver Chinchilla Persian Cats
View videos of our lovely tiny Persian kittens !
Prince Zohar !
The Silver Chinchilla Persian Cat
# 1 Cat breed Internationally !
"Blueberry Delite" x "Satin Lover"!
Barbie Doll
" Somewhere My Love "
Doll face miniature - teacup - standard
Persian cats & kittens
Sold - Texas
" Tiny Tot "
Sweet Anna Marie Nickname - Zia
Learn about the Silver Persian known as the “Rolls Royce” of all Cats
The Silver Persian popularity worldwide:
TinyPersians specializes in the number one cat breed, the Persian . . . CFA's Silver Persian Cat Color Division
This Color Division tops it all with all CFA Persian Color Divisions . . . it is the most popular and highly sought after lines
The Silver Persian Characteristics:
Within the Silver Division the Silver Chinchilla is the most treasured with the finest quality, exquisite longhair coat that shimmers
with a soft mist of silver with a white undercoat, to looking entirely snow white
Their luxuriously silky coats in some cases are a true mink looking and feeling coat
The the Silver Persian cats possess a look of their own, as their eyes are outlined in black like eyeliner,
noses are brick red to adorable pink with black outliner around the nose, including black liner around the lips of the Persian
The Silver Chinchilla:
One of the most popular choices of the Silver Persian is the Silver Chinchilla which
often has a longer nose described as Doll Face vs. the flat face look
This longer face – nose often results in healthy breathing and less eye tearing to no tearing
Saying this, as a Silver Persian cat breeder, I find many short face Persians have just as clean eyes and healthy nose . . .
they are often described as having a “Pansy” happy face, a shorter face look often called "flat face"
Paw pads are black, with the exception of the Silver “Blue” variety
The Silver Persian size:
Silvers are also considered the smallest size cats of all CFA's Persian Cat Color categories, whereas,
some solid division Persians have been known to be up to 48 pounds!
The Silver Persian lines are usually 8 pounds or less and some adults only 3 pounds !
TinyPersians adult cats range from 3.3 pounds to 7.2 pounds give or take
The Silver Persian produces many Colors and Patterns:
. The Silver Persian CFA Division will produce a variety of color and Patterns such as Shaded Silver, Silver Chinchilla, Golden, Shaded Golden, Golden Chinchilla, Black, Smoke, Blue, Blue / Golden
. When a Silver Persian produces an exceptional Golden or Golden Chinchilla, you will find
them strikingly beautiful with colors of gold, apricot, crème, white, shades of gold and sometimes black tipping
Their extraordinary eye color range from brilliant greens to emerald greens, turquoise colors and blue/green
Truly gems and waiting lists for a Persian kitten like this!
. Another rare Persian color out of the registries Silver Division is the “Blue” and the “Blue Golden”
Acquiring one of these ever so rare Persians you will be real lucky
Very few breeders offer true, purebred “Blue” Persians