Sharlotte and Yoshi sharing

each day with yoga !

" Yoshi " visits with her fish "Indigo" . . . fish swims up to meet her . . . they play together ! 

Silly Yoshi . . playful  tiny Persian !

Yoshi few weeks old

< "Yoshi"

full grown

3.5 pounds

More TinyPersians Customer Stories !

The Bella Story

The Versace Story

TinyPersians Customer Testimonial Reviews

over years of enjoyment

Smart Persian kitten navigates and plays with I - phone   !

Yoshi helps at the office !


I  searched the entire globe looking for the perfect cat to replace my cat

who past away after 13 years     I was more than surprised to discover

that the most perfect Persian kittens and amazing breeder

actually lived in my state (Texas) AND only about an hour from me !

She may have cost a crazy price that many people can’t even imagine

spending for a cat   . . . she’s (Yoshi)  worth every single cent !

If you spent one day with Yoshi you would agree !     Even my friends

who usually don’t like cats or who are allergic, they see Yoshi

and after 5 minutes she’s stolen their hearts     She is the sweetest animal

I’ve ever encountered , truly     She has the kindest loving soul !

She’s one of kind, and absolute perfection !     I couldn’t have discovered

a better more intentional passionate Breeder other than Tiny 

Debbie is phenomenal at what she does, and the premium top of the line Persians that she produces definietly show it    She is beyond committed and never hesitates

to go the extra mile to ensure the kittens that leave her place are flawless

and that they stay that way !

Her dedication to her animals is unsurpassed     If you are looking for a PERFECT, quality, excellent health, and beautiful Persian cat,  Debbie with

is the REAL DEAL !      I will never go anywhere else !   Sharlotte

Yoshi favorite kitty movie

"Cat Dreams"

Sharolete and Cyril's

baby boy "Luka" 

and their Tiny Persian  "Yoshi" > 

Yoshi first year was full of travel and adventures, chasing, hiding, playing, yoga,

office helping, along with a custom wardrobe,

Sharlotte designed and fitted to Yoshi as she grew   

Yoshi celebrated her first Halloween in a costume and when her first birthday came . . . 

  Sharlotte makes Yoshi another outfit !  A gorgeous Birthday outfit !

 Sharlotte made sure Yoshi celebrated birthday with cake and candles  !

Here's Yoshi's Birthday party, her friend Tobias came and they ate ice cream and she blew out her candle ! She got a new big tunnel to play in for her birthday and she loves running through it

​Yoshi's 1st Birthday !

" Yoshi " Silver Chinchilla Persian kitten goes fishing . . . for her pet fish "Indigo"   9-29-18 Video

 Aunt "Emmie" >

full grown 

​under 4 pounds !

Sharlotte, her husband and Yoshi travel

to Paris France in 2017 !

Yoshi  327 grams

8  weeks  old !

" Yoshi " Persian kitten bunny hopping . . . " Crazy Kitty !   !

Tiny Persian kitten chasing tail fast circles . . . non stop !

Beauty just doesn't happen . . .  a tiny Persian is meticulously cared for . . . Sharlotte one impressive lady !   

Sharolete and her husband Cyril's TinyPersian "Yoshi" adventure Videos!

Yoshi 1st

Birthday !

Follow the story of Yoshi . . .

 Sharlotte has provided a "dream home" for Yoshi !

 *  Yoshi travels in the car  *

*  Yoshi travels to Paris France  *

*  Yoshi gets custom homemade clothes designed by Sharlotte *

*   Yoshi does yoga with Sharolette and more !  *

*  Yoshi's Birthday Party - 1 year old  *

Sharlotte  and  Yoshi's  Adventures !

Yoshi a beautiful Silver Chinchilla Persian

at 1 year old 3 pounds 8 ounces

Sharlotte's International search

for a Persian kitten . . .

Customer  - Sharlotte & Cyril Testimonial Review

kind words about TinyPersians 

​and her love for Yoshi 

Yoshi a TinyPersian 8 weeks old 

My "Yoshi" SIlver Persian doing office filing  !

"Yoshi" loves her Aunt "Emmie"

Sharlotte's mom "Mary" has 2 TinyPersians, her second kitten "Emmie" visits her niece "Yoshi"

January 2020 !    "Yoshi" in love!

Look at the love in "Yoshi's" face!   Sweet little girl !

 Yoshi growing her first year . . .

5 - 31 - 17:  1 lb   5 3/8oz

6 -13 -17:   1 lb  10  3/4 oz

7 -1 -17:   2 lb   2 1/8 oz

7 -27 -17:   2 lb   12 oz

8 - 4 -17:     2 lb   14 oz

8 - 10 -17:   3 lb   3/8 oz

Yoshi 's Dam 

"Love Song"!

Sharlotte and Yoshi are


Yoshi blows out her birthday candle  !

Yoshi only 327 grams at 8 weeks old  !

Yoshi a TinyPersian Silver Chinchilla female Persian kitten was purchased by Sharlotte and her husband Cyril in 2017

Yoshi was only 327 grams at 8 weeks old . . . one of the smallest Persian kittens produced by TinyPersians  

Her dam, "Love Song" only 3.5 pounds and her sire Prince Amar less then 5 pounds produced 2 lovely Persian kittens in 2017   Versace her sibling brother (a male Silver Chinchilla) and Yoshi !    See The Story of Versace

​​​​​​​​​In 2017, Yoshi was a very tiny Persian kitten out of a litter of 2, Yoshi and her brother Versace  .    She was a very tiny, snow-white Silver Chinchilla female kitten with a lovely doll face with extraordinary large, beautifully shaped, expressive eyes !  Yoshi was always a lady, sweet, kind to her brother even though he managed to get more of the milk from mom  This was a kitten TinyPersians had their eyes on !   Sweet, genetically tiny as Mom -  Love Song was just 4 pounds and Dad -  Prince Amar

being less the 5 pounds . . . certainly very small Persian cats ! 

Additionally, Yoshi was gorgeous in every way ! 

Sharlotte a professional graphics designer and her Professional Pro Golf husband, Cyril were seeking a sweet . . .  small doll face female Persian kitten  

 Sharlotte called Debbie of TinyPersians, discussing her dream kitten 

This is important to Debbie to offer a kitten that fits a customer’s expectations   

With just having a litter out of one of TinyPersians smallest breeders and after discussing Sharlotte’s wishes, Debbie offered Yoshi to her, knowing Yoshi was a special girl . . . and met all of Sharlotte’s request was a perfect match ! 

​​As the weeks went by and Yoshi was

getting close to 8 weeks old, old enough

to depart,  Sharlotte called and wanted her kitten early 

Debbie said;  " this was a bad idea!  We prefer kittens to depart at least 8 weeks old",  and even though TinyPersians’s Vet was fine with kittens leaving at 7 weeks old, Debbie warned Sharlotte;  "this is a very, very small, extremely tiny Persian kitten   She needs to be 8 weeks old and stay with her mom until then"   

Sharlotte insisted on receiving her kitten before 8 weeks old 

Debbie kindly was firm with Yoshi leaving at 8 weeks old


​​The day Sharlotte and Cyril (husband) arrived to pick up their beloved, Yoshi being now 8 weeks old, Debbie greeted them and soon introduced Yoshi to them   Sharlotte’s first words were; Oh Debbie, Debbie . . . she is so beautiful, so small ! 

I had no idea she was this small !  You said she was small, but I did not expect such a tiny little Persian kitten 8 weeks old only 327 grams, she is beautiful ! “   Sharlotte, could hold Yoshi in her one hand !   Yes!   A very, very extra small tiny Persian kitten exist !   Yoshi is an example of a well breed, extremely small, Silver Chinchilla Persian kitten possessing substance and true to Persian cat well known traits !

It was difficult to see Yoshi depart TinyPersians, as she was one of the last of this line  TinyPersians only had one dam with this lineage and knowing you never get the same kitten twice, as they are all individuals (yet similar enough providing consistency with all kittens), and as Yoshi was a kitten TinyPersians really wanted to keep.  After talking to Sharlotte and making the difficult decision to part with Yoshi, knowing a life Sharlotte would offer was a kitten’s dream home  . . . and that’s is what it is !   Yoshi travels every place with Sharlotte and Cyril, in the car, airplanes, to Golf tours, vacations, to Paris France and right there in Sharlotte’s office helping her with the computer !  A very special kitten  . . . together with 2 amazing people that have given this kitten a fabulous forever home and a fulfilling kitten life !   


Sharlotte makes Yoshi custom outfits 

Yoshi 's Grand-dam

Yoshi travels to Paris France !

Yoshi 's  Sire

Beauty is created with carefully crossing pretty . . . correctness and sweet personalities

 Yoshi's heritage  >

Yoshi the Tiny Persian matching wardrobe !

Sharlotte and Yoshi matching teeshirts GB Graphix 

< "Yoshi"

Yoshi in the airport is pretty much a celebrity when we travel . . .  because of her cat backpack
People think it’s such a neat carrier and then they see the beauty of the thing inside !  They can’t
help but smile wanting know more about her and the carrier ! Needless to say, Yoshi brings joy

to travelers worldwide !  Since having Yoshi with us when we travel (and we take her everywhere with us, she’s never had a babysitter- she’s always with us) people are nice and greet us with smiles and curiosity rather than the usual stress and hustle and bustle of travelers

Yoshi the Tiny Persian video adventures !

Videos by customer  - Sharlotte & Cyril

Yoshi finds a new home !

Celebrating her first year !

9 -7 17

"  Debbie,  Yoshi and I are very good !

We are in France and she was such

a little lady in the travel over here !

On the 9 hour flight, she didn't even meow one time ! I Kept her in my lap the entire flight and she just slept . . . she's so good !  We will be going back to Paris in a couple days and I'm hoping to get better pics of her and the Eiffel Tower  "  Sharlotte

Yes ! There are very tiny Persians 

Yoshi at 8 weeks old 

HappyBirthdayYoshi !

" Yoshi " a playful Persian kitten . . . chases her spinning golf tee !   9-29-18 Video

Yoshi's  stunning  Emerald  green  eyes !  

The Yoshi Story

Yoshi 's Dam 

Yoshi's custom wardrobe !

" Yoshi " Persian cat. . . plays . . . runs. . . spins . . . jumps  !

Sharolete and her husband Cyril have had a new baby boy

named "Luka" since her adoption of her TinyPersian "Yoshi"!

More about "Yoshi" now 5 years old in 2022 and after . . . 

Yoshi  . . .   this is tiny !