TinyPersians highly recommends these few as necessary products for your new Persian  

There are other products available, however, for a short list . . . please find the following . . . 

The following Cat Products have been tested and used by TinyPersians Cattery   

If you are seeking cat grooming products, cat care products, cat toys, cat tree towers, etc. view the following list of recommended products!  Each product listing provides  . . . 

*   Product Description / How to use

*   Testimonial

*   Product Rating

*   Product Photo

*   Where Product can be purchased

Looking to spoil your new Persian kitten ?  Start shopping now !

More Cat Products

*   Product Description:  CastleBaths (Manufacturer) of Anna Pet Products (Brand),Face Wash

(Product Name), is a face and eye wash for pets that tear or have facial stains.   With the use of this product daily, your pet / cat will be free of stains.  For a clean and coat that glows this Anna Face Wash is the # 1 Product TinyPersians.com recommends.   Instructions : Use a cotton swab and carefully clean the face.  PH balanced, non toxic, no need to wash off. This product neutralizes stains with it's secret formula !   Shop now !

*   Testimonial :Highly recommended by TinyPersians.com, Anna Face Wash is used religiously due to it's product quality, results of removing stains on your pets (Persians) face and eyes.   With clean eyes, your pet is free of dirt, and potential eye infections.  Treat your Persian like a Princess or Prince !    Shop Anna's Pet Face Wash now !

*   Product Rating :  *  *  *  *  *   Five Star Rating - highly recommended for feline eye care

*   Where Product can be purchased :  Purchase this product here 

*   Product Description:      (Manufacturer) Bio Groom Cat Shampoo 

 (Brand / Product Name).  Product statement:   Bio Groom is a TinyPersians favorite for shampooing our cats.   We highly recommend purchasing all 3 of these Bio Groom Shampoos.

Bio Groom Whitening Cat Shampoo

Bio Groom Silky Shampoo for Cats

Bio Groom Kiddy Shampoo

Instructions :     Rinse throughly with warm water.   Key with shampooing success of your pet grooming is lots of rinsing.  Rinse, rinse, and rinse.  

*   Testimonial : Recommended by TinyPersians.com if you would like to achieve a whiter coat that is smooth and silky, try these Bio Groom Shampoos.     

*   Product Rating :  *  *  *  *  *   Five Star Rating - highly recommended for feline bathing

*   Where Product can be purchased :  Can be found on - line. 

*   Product Description:   Proctor and Gamble (Manufacturer) Dawn Ultra

 (Brand / Product Name).  Product statement:   Dawn helps SAVE Wildlife injured due to oil spills.   

Instructions : A cattery secret, Dawn use an excellent product when used sparingly to remove residues and excess dirt or built up of grooming products.  Add a small amount of Dawn when shampooing a heavily stained pet.   Additionally, adding a drop of Dawn Ultra when shampooing your pet insures that no excessive shampoo residue will be left on your pets coat.   This is achieved only when you use the smallest amount added to your shampooing.     Rinse throughly with cool water.   Key with shampooing success of your pet is lots of water.  Rinse, rinse, and rinse.  Best to use more water and less product when shampooing.   

*   Testimonial : Recommended by TinyPersians.com if you experience bathing your pet and a residue is left on the coat after bathing.  Most often even it is due to over using a shampoo.  To insure the shampoo is removed, use a small drop and rinse throughly.   

*   Product Rating :  *  *  *  *  *   Five Star Rating - highly recommended for feline eye care

*   Where Product can be purchased :  Can be found at most any retail store or on - line. 

*   Product Description:   Bio Groom (Manufacturer)  Super White Shampoo - Tearless 

 (Product Name), is a cat shampoo that is excellent for whitening light colored pets.   A gentle tearless shampoo offers a safe way to wash your beloved pet.   Available in 1 gallon concentrate and smaller sized containers.   

Instructions : Dilute the Super White Tearless Shampoo Concentrate with water as per the product instructions on the label.  You only need a very, very little of this product to avoid a residue left on you pets coat.  Rinse thoroughly with cool water.   Never wash your cat with hot or too warm of water.    Super White Tearless Shampoo Concentrate is a PH balanced, tearless formula.   This product whitens, cleans and produces a luxurious, professional groomed coats.    

*   Testimonial :Highly recommended by TinyPersians.com.  Due to producing mainly very light or white appearing Silver Persians, Super White Tearless Shampoo is TinyPersians.com's # 1 recommended shampoo for any purchased kitten from us.   Keep your kitten clean and gorgeous looking  used religiously due to it's product quality, results of removing stains on your pets (Persians) face and eyes.   With clean eyes, your pet is free of dirt, and potential eye infections.  Treat your Persian like a Princess or Prince !    Shop now !

*   Product Rating :  *  *  *  *  *   Five Star Rating - highly recommended for feline eye care

*   Where Product can be purchased :  Purchase this product here 

*   Product Description:  CastleBaths (Manufacturer) of Anna Pet Products (Brand),Body / Face PH Shampoo  

(Product Name), is a cat

Body / Face Shampoo for cats / pets. Excellent for removing stains and providing a gentle shampoo wash for the cat's face and body.   With the use of this product when needed, your pet / cat coat stains will be easily cleaned.   For a clean and coat that glows the Anna Body / Face Shampoo is highly recommended for stubborn food stains on cat faces and chins.   If your cat needs food stains removed easily, keep this product handy !   

Instructions : Use a wash cloth and apply a small amount of shampoo on the cloth.  Rub carefully on the stained areas.  Carefully keep rubbing the area until the stain is completely removed.   Rinse with cool water.  PH balanced, non toxic. The Anna Body / Face PH Shampoo product neutralizes stains with it's secret formula ! Used for coat stains, other then around eyes.  Only use the Anna  Face Wash around the eyes.  Use this Anna Body / Face PH Shampoo product on other facial areas and the body.  Shop now !

*   Testimonial :Highly recommended by TinyPersians.com.    Anna's Body / Face PH Shampoo is recommended for chins or other food stain areas.  Avoid the eyes.   Use Face Wash for eye stains (safe and not need to rinse).   Shop now !

*   Product Rating :  *  *  *  *  *   Five Star Rating - highly recommended for body / face stains

*   Where Product can be purchased :  Purchase this product here