4-26-20Hi Debbie,
Piper is precious and even more gorgeous in person.  

He was late getting to us and definitely nervous.  

I know it will take some getting used to.

It was a long ride for him.  

My daughter is thrilled and so happy.  

Thank you so much.

4-26-20  Kelly,

What a precious photo of your daughter and “Piper” ! 

Your daughter is adorable!  Yes, I too think Piper is far more gorgeous in person.   

12 hours is a long ride and I can see it . . .  

just looks like he is tired. 

With food, water, sleep and those loving moments with your daughter is all he needs!     Debbie (TinyPersians)

TinyPersian's photo 


Now living with Kelly and family   

Dee Dee   (2020 TinyPersian)

Preslie's 2nd TinyPersian (first kitten 2016)   


"She is the sweetest thing in the world!!"

"He is precious and even more gorgeous in person!"
"He is absolutely gorgeous and such a special little kitten" 

" We love her more than ever imagined possible" 

"He’s so smart and real loving

- a beautiful addition to our family  

We all love him so much! "  

" We absolutely adore her!    She loves to play, watch tv !"

She is so sweet and loved having her fur combed.
She has an adorable sense of humor

and loves to play peek a boo! 



Hey! Just wanted to give an update on how well Hayla is adjusting

to her new forever home❤️ !   We absolutely adore her!    

She loves to play, watch tv and sit on top of our oversized chair looking outside.  

I have sent all the people y’alls way when they talk about how pretty she is.
We love her more than ever imagined possible.   
Thanks again.    Josey - Texas 


2020 Testimonials

9/6/20, 8:16 PM

Debbie,  I wanted to share this with you too - Oscar absolutely loves to play with Nicole - he chases the ball & then waits for her to throw it again. . . he’s so adorable. Tina

9/6/20  5:01 PM
What an amazing video, both Nicole and Oscar are gorgeous!  He looks so well taken care of, clean, groomed, immaculate !   Thank you Tina for sharing and most of all for giving Shiraz (Oscar) such a lovely home (life)!    Debbie

12-6-20  8:16 PM     
Debbie,  His personality is equally as beautiful, he’s the sweetest little boy!! Tina 




Hi Debbie, Mira is precious!  She is doing better this morning and looking out the window at the birds. We live on 3 1/2 acres by a nature center so their is all kind of wildlife to watch.  Deer and wild turkeys galore.

Thank you again for all of your patience with me.

We love her already! Jeannie (and Howard) 😇

Springfield, Missouri



Customer Photos 12-6-20

TinyPersians photos 12-21-20

Breeder - TinyPersian  Photo Shiraz

New nae - Oscar named by customer 2020

 "Little Prince" new home

with Elizabeth and Josh

9-27-20   12:10 PM, "Elizabeth"

The Little Prince new name “Teddy”
On 9/27/20, 12:10 PM, "Elizabeth"

Hi Debbie, hope this finds you well! I wanted to share pictures of our little prince, (Little Prince) when we adopted from you. He is an absolute joy and has added such a wonderful love to our family. Here are some pics. ❤️
Elizabeth and Josh

9-27-20   1:12 PM, "Debbie"

Hi Elizabeth, thank you for sending.  He looks very content and happy.   What a lovely photo!      Debbie - TinyPersians

TinyPersian's photo >


Customer Photo 9-5-20


4/26/20, 2:33 PM

 Thank you so much, Nicole absolutely loves Shiraz!!  He played for a bit when he came home today, now he is sleeping on Nicole’s chest.  Blessings,   Tina

4/26/20, 4:32 PM
We will definitely send you videos & photos as he grows.  He is very happy and getting lots of love.  Thanks again, we all love him!  He is absolutely adorable & he has such a cute personality!     Tina

4/26/20, 11:43 PM

Thank you so much, Nicole (my daughter) absolutely loves Shiraz!!  

He played for a bit when he came home today, now he is sleeping on Nicole’s chest.  First night home, we couldn’t love him more!  Thank you!!  Blessings, Tina

4/27/20  Hi Debbie, 
He (Shiraz) is
absolutely gorgeous and such a special little kitten.  He’s so smart and really loving and a beautiful addition to our family.  
We all love him so much!   

My daughter took that video in her bedroom, we will definitely send you more as he grows.  When he first came home yesterday, he ate and he walked over to the water bowl, looked at it meowed and walked away.  Right after that, we went out and bought the water fountain for him to drink from and he’s eating and drinking beautifully.  Have a beautiful day. Blessings, Tina 

 Hi Tina,

 Oh my, how adorable!  Shiraz is doing biscuits!   

 He looks so happy!    Debbie (TinyPersians) 

4/27/20, 12:55 AM
Hi Tina,
He looks so gorgeous eyes clean fluffy and combed out!  What a soft background, fabulous video.   Debbie

Purchased her first TinyPersian

and returned to choose "Dee Dee"

for a buddy of her

Silver Chinchilla TinyPersian male kitten 

TinyPersians - Debbie

12-25-20. 10:43 PM

Oh my goodness!  They are adorable!  The Christmas outfit and both laying together in front of the window so content and looking like they have the best home ever!
Thank you for sharing these photos and giving the update on their new names, etc.!   
Why Goofy??   What is she doing?  
You too have a Merry Christmas and a fabulous 2021 New Year! 
Debbie - TinyPersians


9-12-20  9:29 AM, "Jennifer H" 
 Hi Debbie! Hope you’re well.
We are loving Boots and he’s such a good easy happy kitty.

He definitely feels pampered from all 5 of us!

We can’t believe how much we all adore him.
Thank you again for this amazing kitten!   

He is perfection!!   Jennifer

 "Charleen and Love's Dream Girl's"

new home

with Marty, Darlene & Brenda

12-25-20. 7:42 PM

Hi Debbie, This is Marty Smith, Darlene Vicknair-Smith and Brenda Vicknair. We got a Christmas Card from you and we are returning the favor by giving you an update on Charleen( Lady Southern Bella but we nickname her Goofy) and Love's Dream Girl( Lady Southern Magnolia nickname is Sweetie). 

We love to death and we spoil them badly.

They love to play with each other and us too.
MerryChristmas and a Happy New Year!!!!!!!
Marty, Darlene, Brenda, Goofy and Sweetie. :-)


 Customer photo

Now this is Tiny !!!!

More about

 "Charleen and Love's Dream Girl's

12-26-20 12:16 PM

Hi Debbie,  LOL - Reason we call her Goofy is that we had another cat just like her and her nickname was Boofy.  When we got "Goofy" she was acting wild and crazy around the house in a good way hence "Goofy'!  Now she is more mellow.   Lately she seems to  always crossing her front paws when laying down.  Both of their favorite thing to do now is to hop on the Kitchen bar stools and watch us cook in the kitchen or the TV.  They both are happy and inseparable! 
Thanks and have a great day!!!!!
Marty, Darlene, Brenda, Sweetie and Goofy

Customer photo 12-25-20



Just wanted to check in and let you know the new baby is adapting just fine! You were sooo right she (Dee Dee) is the sweetest thing in the world!! She took a nap in my arms for two hours! She’s also completely gorgeous! I think it’s so funny she has kind of a grumpy face but is an angel in real life!  Once she meets Poosh (2016 TinyPersian Preslie purchased) and they warm up to each other I’ll take photos with both of them!   Once again thank you so much! I’m so happy!   Preslie Watson


" Boots" formerly named "Ben" by TinyPersians 


8-22-20   Hi Debbie,

I hope you and Steve are doing well! We wanted to let you know how much we adore “Boots” (formerly Ben) and how well he is doing adjusting to our home and family.   He is very happy and very easy.

He loves the kids, and they love him even more!

He looks for them now that they are tucked away in their rooms

doing Distance Learning school since Wednesday.

He likes to join them and sit at their feet while they work.

He loves to play and be held and cuddled.   SUCH a sweet sweet kitten.

Thank you so much for helping us choose the perfect kitten for our family.   He has brought such joy and we cannot imagine life before him anymore!   I’ll be in touch and will send photos soon!
Take Care,  Jennifer



Jeannie,   I loved this kitten so much !  She always trotted up to me and did a little dance until I pet her or held her.   She is so gentled natured, only wants to be loved.   It is my wish that she gets hugs and kisses every day!  This is what she always wanted from me.   She is a sweetie and I will miss her dearly.   I did not breed mom back to the same dad, but, after I watched her grow, I can see she is one special lady!
I can try and breed the same combination over and over again, and you just do not get the identical kitten.  She is one of a kind  . . . looks so much her dam.   Thank you for giving her a loving home she deserves.   Being a breeder is hard work for these girls.
This is what is best for her . . . a loving, leisure home.   
Here are her baby photos, she was so gorgeous!  As adorable as can be !    Debbie

2020 Customer Testimonial Reviews 

Debbie with TinyPersians
"Your kitten is < 2 pounds and 3 months old !"

1-6-20 4:41 am​ 
Hi Kim, Fantastic! 
I am so happy for you that you got a kitten to bring you much joy!  
She is so tiny and that is hard to believe
3+ months old and just under 2 pounds!
You got a little gem!  
Her dam is Juliette’s Dawn, her dad is Pooh Bear!
They are both beautiful !
Thank you for getting with me!  Debbie

 "Fluffette's" new home

with Gab and her parents

Debi and Mike 


Planning for "Fluffette's" arrival - New photos!
Hi Debbie, She's beautiful! She will be the same size as Zeus too!
Debi and Mike 


Fluffette arrives 12-23-20 to her new home.

A 2020 Christmas present for Mike and Debi's daughter Gab

More about

Jeannie and husband spending the weekend

with friend; Wayne Newton


Tiny Anna

Sired by "Pooh Bear"

Mom Tiny Tina

Oscar   rides in Tina's car on the dash !    What a beautiful, scenic drive !

Oscar   (formerly Shiraz)

Now living with Tina and her daughter Nicole!   Here is Oscar's Story .  .  .

"Joy" previously named Hayla
Kim and Joy!

1-24-20 7:41 am​ 
Debbie, This kitty is a heart breaker!  
She woke me this morning climbing on my bed
and purring as loud as a train!
You must spend every minute holding her
because that’s what she clearly expects!  
Gets between me and the iPad and purrs for attention!  
What a little love!  
Warren was bummed he had to go to work
and I get to stay home with her!
More later       Kim

 9/5/20, 5:01 PM
 Hi Debbie,  He is very stunning and his personality is equally as beautiful.  He is the sweetest little kitten and he is so smart! I’m so happy you liked the picture, I will keep sharing photos with you as he grows.  You’re so welcome, it is our honor to have him in our family and take care of him. 

 Oscar loves to go in the car for a ride.   Today we took him to the vet for a checkup, and we put him on the dash for a moment in front of our home to take his picture in the sunlight - his eyes are gorgeous, they look green a lot lately.  His daddy is Pooh Bear.  I will definitely keep in touch with you, I hope you are having a beautiful day.    All the best,   Tina

9/5/20,  7:47 PM

Hi Tina, yes the photo riding in the car with the beautiful trees in the background is a one in a million shot!   He looks so relaxed and in love with life!  I can see it is how you care and love him and that shines with him! 

You can just see how happy Oscar (Shiraz) is !
Looking forward to seeking him grow.  Have a great evening!   Debbie

 9/6/20, 8:08 PM 
Oh my goodness, thank you so much for your beautiful message Debbie, that was sooo sweet of you to say!  We definitely give him lots and lots of love and he gives it right back to us!  He is a very happy kitten :-)   Oscar weighs 5 pounds 6 ounces.    I’m really excited to watch him grow too, he has added so much love and fun to our family.   I hope you are having a nice evening too.   Tina

 9/5/20, 9:25 AM
Good Morning Debbie,    
I hope you and your family are well.  As promised, here is a picture we took of Oscar (formally Sharaz) this morning.  
He is absolutely gorgeous, loving, playful and so silly!!   He loves to be with us all the time, when we come home from being out he greets us hello.  Every time we look at him he brings a smile to our faces,

we couldn’t love him more!!  

Thank you again for this beautiful little blessing for our family.   

Have a beautiful day!  All the best,  Tina

9/5/20   Hi Tina, What a lovely photo!   Thank you for sharing!  Is he actually riding in your car?   He is stunningly beautiful - you are taking such good care of him!
Thank you for that!   Oscar (Sharaz) sure has matured since he departed.   He is gorgeous!   Feel free to get with me anytime!  Debbie (TinyPersians)

Preslie, oh my!  You sure have grown up!  You are gorgeous in the photos, but poor “Dee Dee” looks tired.  I love the close up photo showing her eyes!
TinyPurrsians.com our site  “How to care for your Persian”.  Debbie (TinyPersians)




We are all in love!!!
She is the sweetest baby in the world ! 

Thank you for blessing us!
Love,  Ilona

Jeannie takes home


Silver Chinchilla Persian kitten

12-19-20 12:19 AM

Debbie, I got the records. Thank you.  Have a good weekend.  Jeannie

12-19-20 12:22 AM

Hi Jeannie,

You too have a very MerryChristmas!  Miss Mira!   Loved her!
Mom is Aamira an imported pure Chinchilla line.
Dad is Moscato.
Debbie TinyPersians

12-28-20 6:09 PM 

forgot to tell you we went to Montana and stayed 10 days with Wayne Newton and his wife at their home there. I was trying to remember your horse connection with Wayne.

​12-28-20 6:14 PM 

How do you know them (Singer - Entertainer: Wayne Newton)? 

I purchased the Arabian mare Blue Velvet.
Also attended many regional, US, Canadian and Egyptian Event horse shows with many wins   
Centaur Valley Arabian Horsesin Anna Texas  
Debbie - TinyPersians

12-28-20 11:13 PM 

Hi Debbie, My husband and I have known Wayne Newton for 35 years. 

We started off producing and promoting concerts for Wayne. Over the years we also managed theatres for him in Branson. We have become very good friends with him and his family. They are lovely, down to earth people.

This has horoscope was taken in Montana. My husband is s on the left. 



Debbie,  She def will eventually sleep with me! She is so funny.

She’s running around and playing and having so much fun!

She is so sweet and loved having her fur combed.
She has an adorable sense of humor and loves to play peek a boo!

She is eating great, drinking great and pooping and peeing

and she loves her little room!    Thank you,

 "Charleen and Love's Dream Girl's"

New names

 Charleen we named Lady Southern Bella,  nickname Goofy 

 Love's Dream Girl we named Lady Southern Magnolia, nickname Sweetie

Below Customer photos 12-23-20



Hi Debbie, My husband and I have known Wayne Newton for 35 years. We started off producing and promoting concerts for Wayne. Over the years we also managed theatres for him in Branson. We have become very good friends with him and his family. They are lovely, down to earth people. This has horoscope was taken in Montana. My husband is s on the left.  Jeannie (and Howard) 😇.  Springfield, Missouri


Hello Debbie we love Mira so much!  We are flying from Springfield, MO to Palm Desert this coming Friday and we were wondering did you you give Mira anything to calm her when she flew home with my husband in April. He said she didn't let out a peep.  Thank you. Have a Blessed day, Jeannie  


Jeannie, No we do not give a calming product but we do spray the bottom of the carrier pad with a calming spray which all Vets use in their clinics.  Debbie TinyPersians 

 Customer photo


formerly named "​Ben"

           Hudson going home with Hannah

9-14-20   2:34 PM Hannah

Hudson's new name “Prince Arbab Pasha Khan”
Hello,  everything is going well.

He seems to be adjusting good, and he cuddles with us in bed.

He loves to play. He likes to sleep on the pillow, and he’s recently been climbing on me and chilling on my shoulder.  
Thank you, I have attached some pictures.   Hannah