Always consult a qualified Licensed Vet or Feline Specialist to diagnose,
treat and care for your Persian cat - information provide is for you to take
the steps to acquire a Persian cat from a reputable breeder
Any illness or diseases a cat may have or show signs of should be seen
by your Vet and if needed referred to a Feline Specialist !
Happy Paws !
Persian Cat Health issues
What you should know is you can avoid many health issues in your Persian cat
with acquiring your new Persian kitten from a reputable breeder
that takes the steps to produce health Persian cats
Choose a breeder that offers a Warrantee and one that takes the steps to breed Persian cats free of PKD and other issues
Persian cats have a few health issues like all breeds of cats . . .
Avoid PKD, Urinary Health issues
(Before you become disappointed or worry way too much
. . . . check out the list of diseases a human has a high risk of !)
Avoid these Persian Cat inherited health issues
Polycystic Kidney Disease - PKD
TinyPersians breeders DNA PKD tested Negative
Purchase a Persian from a breeder
with Sires and Dams that are free of PKD !
Urinary Health issues
Did you know there are cat foods that can cause health issues?
Choose a quality brand of cat food . . .
Never give well water or faucet water !
Consider Feeding Royal Canin S/O