Yoshi now 5 years old !

3 - 11 - 22:  3 lb      oz

Yoshi  327 grams

8  weeks  old !

Yoshi a TinyPersian Silver Chinchilla female Persian kitten was purchased by Sharlotte and her husband Cyril in 2017

was only 327 grams at 8 weeks old . . . one of the smallest at that time produced by TinyPersians  

Her dam, "Love Song" only 3.5 pounds and her sire Prince Amar less then 5 pounds aresmall too! 

iNow in year 2022, Yoshi is 5 years old!   Discover new Yoshi stories of happiness and joy!    

SeeThe Story of Yoshi  in the beginning as a newborn and growing!

Yoshi a beautiful Silver Chinchilla Persian

at 1 year old 3 pounds 8 ounces

 Yoshi growing her first year . . .

5 - 31 - 17:  1 lb   5 3/8oz

6 -13 -17:   1 lb  10  3/4 oz

7 -1 -17:   2 lb   2 1/8 oz

7 -27 -17:   2 lb   12 oz

8 - 4 -17:     2 lb   14 oz

8 - 10 -17:   3 lb   3/8 oz

If you followed The Yoshi Story from the beginning  . . .

'Yoshi's" first year was full of travel and adventures,

chasing, hiding, playing, yoga,

office helping, along with a custom wardrobe,

Sharlotte designed and fitted to Yoshi as she grew

with adorable custom clothes s

he made herself!  

Yoshi celebrated her first Halloween in a costume and

her first birthday , a surprised birthday party for her! 

  Sharlotte makes Yoshi another outfit !  A gorgeous 1st Birthday outfit !

 Sharlotte made sure Yoshi celebrated birthday with cake, candles, treats and gifts  !

Now in 2022 "Yoshi" is 5 years old, celebrating her 5th birthday!

​Follow "Yoshi" starting with her 1st Birthday and as she matures! 

​Look at her baby chart!  

Sharolete and her husband Cyril have had a new baby boy

named "Luka" since her adoption of her TinyPersian "Yoshi"!

More about "Yoshi" now 5 years old in 2022 and after . . . 

Happiness just doesn't happen . . . 

 . . . Sharlotte one impressive lady -look how her baby

"Luka" and "Yoshie" love each other!

Happiness starts  . . .

with making the right choices in life!

Sharolette and husband Cyril 

5 years ago choosing

a very special TinyPresian

kitten . . . named "Yoshi" !

More about Yoshi' in 2022   >

The Yoshi 2022 Story

Follow the 2022 continued story of Yoshi . . .

The 2022 Yoshi Story

 Sharlotte is new celebrating her 5th year with " Yoshi"  !

 *  Sharolette has a new 2021 baby boy named "Luka"  

*  Yoshi loves her new friend "Luka"!  *

*  Yoshi is hugged, kised and carried arond by the toddler "Luka"


*   Yoshi does yoga with Sharolette and more !  *

*  Yoshi's Birthday Party - 1 year old  *

​Yoshi's 5th Birthday !

Yes ! There are very tiny Persians 

Yoshi at 8 weeks old 

Remember "Yoshi" as a newborn . . .

in the original Yoshi Story  in 2017 ?

Yoshi her fist year  !

Celebrating her 5th  year !

"Yoshi "and "Luka" 

photo taken March 2022

Yoshi only 327 grams at 8 weeks old  in 2017 !

Sharlotte, Cyril and their newborn baby Luka 

with their TinyPersian Yoshi' . . .

New 2022 Adventures and Stories !  

Yoshi  . . .   this is tiny !

​Yoshi's 1st Birthday !