Provide a forever home !
Cat ownership often means fewer Allergies !
It may be too late for you, however, if a child is on the way, it might a good idea to acquire a cat. In 2020 the National Institutes of Health study found children under one year of age exposed to a cat were less likely to develop allergies and not just pet allergies.
Marshall Plaut MD, chief of the Allergic Mechanisms Section at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, found “high pet exposure early in life appears to protect against not only allergy, it also was found to protect from common allergies; ragweed and grass, dust mites. It is known Toxoplasma Gondii a cat parasite is a threat to young children, these experts state by changing cat litter boxes daily, keeping animals indoors one should be safe and allergy free!
Bath your Cat once a week !
Should I consider a pet (cat) if a family member has an allergy ?
I am often asked if a cat or kitten will affect a family member that has allergies.
Each individual may react differently, there are different allergies for some individuals
My first recommendation is see a specialist with Allergies !
However, often children or an individual may out grow an allergy ! Many breeders will not sell or home out a cat or kitten when any family member has an allergy. It is a high risk for that cat or kitten to end up being given away or placed in a rescue environment. We encourage you to be honest with your intentions and read below to see if the following is helpful with your decision on acquiring a new pet or keeping a pet you currently have !
Cats are playful and cute . . .
they do not require as much
maintenance as dogs . . .
but be sure you can provide
a forever home !
Products TinyPersians recommends !
Pet Allergies
Facts about Cats and Allergic reactions !
5 to 10 % of the population suffer from allergic reactions to pets according to The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America - AAFA 11 % of cats end up in Shelters due to owners having allergies !
What is Fel - d 1 ?
There is often confusion and misinformation about the exact causes of an allergic reaction to cats
The first thing one often says is . . . “I am allergic to cats hair ! ”
Which is not necessarily true ! It has been found that a cat's tears, saliva, urine and
dander (dried flakes of skin expelled) are the true reasons for ones allergy reaction
When a cat grooms itself or uses the litter pan Fel – d 1 is released
This is a feline allergen that goes into the air or on the skin or hair of the cat
and ultimately you or things in your home !
Since it can be in the air one may breath it in or come into contact with
this protein-laden hair or dander that may become on home objects.
This is why if choosing a cat it is important to keep the home clean
Please read TinyPersians suggestions on how to lower ones risk of cat allergy reactions
Symptoms of cat allergies include coughing, sneezing, wheezing, hives, rashes, red, itchy eyes, runny noses and sneezing. There is a difference between an irritation to something and a true allergy. Contact your Allergy Specialist to find out what degree your case is and how to either eliminate or reduce your symptoms and reactions.
Other tips to reduce Feline Allergic Reactions for Children and Adults !
1. Have your child wash their hands after touching a pet
2. Research or consult in a Vet for pet diets that will retain your pet’s skin moisture to reduce shedding
Your pet may benefit from Omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids - quality food and supplements
are paramount for your pet !
Use hypoallergenic Products ! >
If I am offered a pet by TinyPersians, what are my responsiblities ?
There are a few things we ask of you . . .
1. The Cat or Kitten must be microchipped at your expense before departure
2. Provide written notice TinyPersians of any intent not to keep this cat or kitten
3. If cat / kitten is to be re - homed, you will keep the pet until TinyPersians has found a replacement home
4. TinyPersians cannot and will not expose the cattery to ANY OUTSIDE PETS -
WE DO NOT HAVE A RETURN POLICY, however, may assist you in re-homing the pet
4. You are responsible for all medical care, daily care, etc, once you take the cat or kitten.
5. If it becomes an unforeseen situation that it is for the best of the cat or kitten to re-homed
TinyPersians will make every attempt to assist up, however, CANNOT Guarantee anything
6. You will not let the cat or kitten outdoors
7. You will feed and care for this pet by daily feeding, clean water, clean litter and up-to-date Vet care
8. You will not sell, donate or give away the cat or kitten to a medical lab or an undesirable unapproved home
9. You will make every attempt not to acquire a TinyPersian if you think it will not work out for you
10. You will not put down the cat or kitten due to the fact you do not want the pet anymore !
11. TinyPersians does not offer refunds for any reason, however, we offer our standard
Warrantee for FIV, FeLV, PKD
As much as we would like to accommodate an individual or family seeking one of our treasured and beloved Persians, we want you to be sure you are capable of providing a forever home ! Please contact a qualified specialist for allergies and find out what you are allergic to. Read above what helps to reduce exposure to allergens. These are only a few suggestions, research further what will work best for you or someone you love !
We love our Persians dearly ! They deserve a forever home and to be much loved !
Thank you for your understanding !
Customer photo - Anita
What if I want to keep my pet ?
Sometimes removing a pet from a home is the best alternative if one has allergies to the pet.
However, if you still want to keep a beloved pet, here are some guidelines to reduce exposure.
1. Change your clothes after long exposure to your pet
2. Clean your vents and ventilation system in the home
3. Change air unit filters and use high grade filters to reduce exposure
4. Wood, tile and stone floors are easier to clean where carpet will hold more dust, dirt allergens and mites
5. Remove carpet if you can, clean walls and woodwork and bedding often !
6. Use hot water cycle when washing bedding, clothes, etc.
7. Keep home clean, uncluttered the best you can.
8. If you have carpet use a mask, a Central Vac system is a much better choice than regular vac
9. Vacuums or Central Vac System change the filter often and wear a mask
10. Never let a service company or maid bring in a Vac cleaner or equipment when exposed to other homes You are bringing in other home allergens and possibly dust mites!
11. Bath your pet at least once a week and use product do not irritate you or your pet
12. Have your pet professionally groomed or by someone using non allergenic products
13. Serious cases cover your bedroom vents while sleeping and you may not want to sleep with the pet.
14. Contact a qualified, reputable Allergist for testing, provide medication or offer immunotherapy options
15. Quality Air Cleaner whether it is a central system throughout the home or individual units for rooms.
Keep these units clean and change the filter a bit earlier than recommended by the manufacturer.
A HEPA filter is excellent for removing pet allergens from the air
Review: Ways to minimize allergy reactions . . . so you can enjoy your kitty !
Remember, allergens settle deep in carpet ultimately making your allergies worse . . .
choose a home without carpeting, again hardwood, tile or stone is the best alternative
These home flooring covering options are easier to clean and keep clean,
as they do not hold allergens like fabrics and carpeting
If you must have a rug, have one that you can throw in the washer or
an area rug you can steam clean periodically