"Evening PrimRose"
Onyx of Eden
is an outstanding sire and a personality
that is gentle, loving and ever so sweet
His coat is coal black, silky, smooth and a satin texture
If you would like a lovely Onxy of Eden kitten
Reserve one today !
Last kittens 2020
Onyx produces dark, black, tortoishell, red mackerel tabbies to snow white Persian kittens !
Beautiful - luxurious Persian cat
coats of many colors
Reserve an Onyx of Eden Persian kitten
Tortoiseshell Persian kittens
" Onyx of Eden "
Onyx of Eden
First litters arrived 2017
Producing Black, White, Tortoiseshell, Cameo
and Red Mackeral Tabby Persian kittens
White Persian kittens
"Snow Prince"
Coal Black Persian
Persian kittens of all colors
Black Persian kittens
"Snow Goddess"