"Anita chooses two (2) more TinyPersians

Anita doesn't ask for small, she wanted the look . . . doll face look and luxurious coats

Anita's experience with Tiny Persians, her personal photography, daily routines and sharing her lovely Persian kittens with several of her patients she cares for . . . 

 " Versace's " dam in  2018 waiting for her new litter to be born 

Photo taken night time camera monitoring image

" Love Song"  Dam >

Now . . .

Anita creates a "kitty" OASIS

for her lovely TinyPersians


Anita purchased 4 TinyPersians

in the past several years !

​This is the window view for her "Kitties" !

" Versace "


Anita and her Persian cats are spectacular !

" Angelo "  and " Anita "  ZOOM

" Micheal  " Anita's  black TinyPersian -

a companion for Mary

. . . greets her in the mornings !


"Versace"  a Silver Chinchilla bred by TinyPersians

has his own furniture !


Anita's Silver Chinchilla male Persian named "Versace" 

​lounges on his new miniature  pink cat bed !

" Versace "  likes playing Peek a Boo in his Cat Tent !

" Versace "

" Versace "

 " Michael " 

One Gorgeous Black Persian !

Few weeks old


Look at this amazing customer portrait of Versace !


"  Yoshi "

 ( Versace's Sister )

"  Versace "

 " Versace'" and his new buddy


Anita, you take such amazing care of all your Persians

  Both of these boys are gorgeous! 

Thank you for giving them the most lovely forever home !



Michael black persian 2019

loves window viewing    !

" Versace "  5-30-18 photo

Customer features

her custom portraits

of her TinyPersian 

" Versace "


 Customer provided Versace portrait


Anita, decorating for the 2020 Thanksgiving holiday

and her Persians enjoys the holiday celebration !

" Angelo "  Silver Chinchilla Persian

and " Anita "  

A good Life !

" Versace "

Now . . .

" Versace "  6-29-19 photo

" Versace "  4-27-18 photo

More about "Michael" and brother " Angelo " 

Michael black persian kitten soon arriving

to his new home !

 " Versace's " new custom cat bed  2019 

This custom designed feline post bed is made by a TinyPersian customer . . . order one today !

" Love Song"  Dam

Loved each other from the beginning !

Bro Buddies !

The Versace Story

. . .  Then 

Then . . .

" Versace "   Stunning in every way !

Versace from day one was absolutely stunning, as the weeks went pass his coat became an amazing snow white, silkly, mink Chinchilla texture !   I would say;  "this one I am keeping", but then his sister was so tiny, gorgeous and I would say; "I love this kitten, and will keep her "

Well, just like 99% of the kittens, I sadly part with them, broken hearted that I cannot keep them

I am there the second they are born, nurturing them, keeping the warm, feeding and loving them until they part 

But then joy comes to me as I meet these amazing persons that give these kittens

the most loving, forever homes 

Anita missed out on a lovely kitten prior to choosing Versace, but the fact of the matter, it was Versace that was a "top pick " kitten and with me feeling sad for Anita not getting the kitten she asked about,

I offered Versace to her Anita and Versace were a match made in heaven !

As a professional nurse, caring for several elderly ladies, one being Mary, 97 years old,

Anita incorporated her new kitten in the daily senior activities   

She had another Persian before Versace, but it was Versace that became the star of Anita's home   

Versace would jump on the bed of Mary of 97 years young and

put smiles on her face which is a lovely way to start the day !   

Below . . . is Anita's story of Versace and her two new TinyPersian kittens she purchased in 2018; 

 Michael a black Persian kitten and Angelo a Silver Chinchilla Persian kitten

Anita now has 3 TinyPersians all much loved by her entire household !


TinyPersians . . .  "Versace, Michael, Angelo" 

groomed to perfection and cared for by Anita  . . . 

their new home!


 Customer provided Versace portrait

Few months old 

Anita a nurse purchased Versace in 2017, little did we know, nor Anita either,

that she would purchase 2 more tiny Persians in 2018 !

Versace was sired by our smallest sire, Prince Amar, less then 5 pounds

and out of the dam  "Love Song "

and that is what she is a love bunny and gorgeous at that ! 

and . . . then Versace was born, along with his sister Yoshi

Discover    THE   YOSHI   STORY)

" Versace "

Few weeks old

Michael   and    Angelo

These two (2) kittens from a litter of only two (2) came available in late 2017

By the first of the 2018 year, Anita chose 2 more kittens Michael and Angelo - 

Heading home one day she saw a local fine restaurant

named Michael Angelo

Anita immediately named her two new Persian kittens,

Michael and Angelo, and scheduled to have her kittens

soon join her beloved " Versace "     

"  Versace "

Michael black persian 2018 

a black beauty several months later  !


 Customer provided


 " Michael " July 13, 2019 

A black Persian enjoying Anita's patio