< Other breeders say there is no such thing as a tiny teacup Persian kitten . . .
Well . . . our kittens are very, very small.
( Teacup is an adjective (description) not a breed
A Persian is a breed )
" Truffles " new name " Hazel " now in south Texas
Hi Debbie,
Vinnie is the most sweetest, smartest little guy we have ever had
He traveled with us to Joplin, Downstream Casino
He is truly the love of my life
He dances when I get home and squeaks like a little eagle
I truly would be lost without him
My husband calls him Vinnie Vinnie cocoa pop LOL
All I can say is PRECIOUS ! ! Thank you Debbie ! !
" White boy "
Just could not think of the perfect name
for this special snow white Persian kitten
By the time Ruth and her husband picked him up they had his new name ! " Casper " A perfect fit !
" Casper " named by Ruth - new owner
More 2018 Testimonials
Healthy, sweet, groomed,
active and loves watching DVD cat movies !
" Cutie" Rene purchased Bobble's Two and came back
and purchased "Cutie for a present for his mom !
10-15-18 Debbie, Casper is doing wonderful
he is exploring and is sooo sweet and loving
We are in love with him !
We will give him a good home
We are sitting here drinking coffee and laughing at him playing with the toys I
Thanks again for all your kindness
10-16-18 Debbie, Casper has really made himself at home
He is playing, eating and so lovable ! Ruth
10-17-18 Debbie, Casper has really adapted well
He plays all the time and has plenty of room to run
He takes off and runs into the dining room then squats down waiting
for me to find him then comes to have me pet him
He greets me in the morning on my lap and kisses
We really love him ! We are with him all the time
10-24-18 Casper has been a complete joy
We just love him - He is so good and loving - We could not ask for more !
He has the run of the house and a lap cat - So gentle and loving
Just what we were looking for ! He is also active chasing toys
Thank you so much ! We are giving him a great home - He is very happy !
" Casper " a white Persian kitten newborn
Truffles now named "Hazel" departs October 2018
10-25-18 Debbie, It has been 5 days since we have brought home
our baby Hazel ("Truffles"), and she is everything that you described and more ! She is the SWEETEST kitten and absolutely LOVES making biscuits on everything !
I've attached some videos showing her making biscuits
in the air and while she eats
The pictures of her as a baby kitten on your website were cute,
but in person she is BEAUTIFUL !
The rest of her body reminds us a lot of our current toy persain cat,
but then you see the beautiful markings on her face
and see just how stunning Hazel really is !
I've including some pictures of Hazel's first days with us
She is such a little adventurer and is not scared of anything !
I will send you more updates as Hazel grows into our family Jackie
" Hazel "
Formerly named " Truffles"
loving her new home !
Jackie prevously owning a Tortoishell, saw the beauty of "Truffles" and all she has to offer !
An ever so sweet Persian kitten that loves people !
" Cutie " above, and her sister "Truffles " below are both beautiful Tortoishell Persian kittens with multi - colors of black, creme, apricot, gold, blue and chocolate shades !
" White Boy" - now named "Casper" finds a new home !
" Casper " few months old - left kitten
A very tiny, extra small Persian kitten
fits in the palms of your hands -
over 8 weeks old ! >
" Casper "
Rene and his family purchased his second TinyPersian kitten
for their mother
The first Persian kitten a Silver Chinchilla male named
Bobble's Two, and this new kitten named "Cutie"
a Tortoishell female that is so lovely and ultra sweet !
8 - 20 -18
Hi Debbie, She is wonderful and loves her Flamino toy !
Very active She is so sweet ! Jumping around !
She found the toy she loves !
A real beauty she is ! She is so sweet ! Rene
It was a pure joy to meet Connie and her family that would give Joplin a new loving home ! >
" He is the most sweetest, smartest little guy
we have ever had ! "
All I can say is PRECIOUS ! ! Connie
" She is so sweet ! Jumping around !
She found the toy she loves ! A real beauty she is ! " Rene
"Casper" a complete joy, sooo sweet and loving
We are in love with him !
We could not ask for more ! Ruth
She is everything that you described and more !
SWEETEST kitten and absolutely LOVES
making biscuits on everything !
Pictures of her as a baby kitten on your website were cute,
but in person she is BEAUTIFUL !
Such a little adventurer - not scared of anything ! Jackie