" Rickie "
" Hi Debbie,
I hope your new lil babies have been letting you get a little sleep !
Dude & Diva absolutely LOVE one another
Dude had his 2 round of vaccines last week
and weighed 2lbs 2oz. Diva weighs 1lb 2oz.
Dude & Diva are also starting to warm up to our Bullmastiff (Boone)
You can see Diva checking out her BIG brother....so cute & tiny!
Much Love " Jill
" We just started introducing Diva to Boone as if this weekend
Naturally, she was a bit scared of him at first
Although, the past 2 days she has really been curious about him
Dude has had a few extra weeks to get to know Boone,
so he walks and plays freely in front of him with no problem
I tried to grab my phone to take a video of Dude trying to play/swat at Boone’s tail while he was lying in the floor...when I turned to grab my phone he started playing with another toy
I can’t wait to get close up of all 3 together !
Diva has grown, but she’s still soooo tiny! All of her features are so cute
& petite. They’re both so adorable and they do love each other " Jill
Hi Debbie, Hope you’ve been doing great! I just left vet with Dude & Diva
for their vaccines. Dude is weighing in at 3.6 lbs at 4 months & a few days...Diva is a big 2 lbs exactly at 3 months & a week. Everyone goes crazy when I take them to the vet ! They’re soooooo precious ! Thanks, Jill
" Tiny Teddie "
" Little Emmie "
March 2019 After much regret to retire " Little Emmie" Sharlotte and Mary each had purchased Persian kittens from TinyPersians in the past
When they heard " Little Emmie " was available, we received a message after just a few hours posting her availability ! " Little Emmie " a full sister to " Love Song " dam of Sharlotte's beloved " Yoshi "
Both Sharlotte and her mother, Mary knew the Persian bloodline of " Little Emmie " most being less then 3.8 pounds as this lovely girl weighed only 3 pounds 8 ounces at 2 years old the day she departed - March 2019
Congratulations to Mary and Sharlotte and we are extremely pleased with this lovely girl getting a forever dream home ! Debbie with TinyPersians Departed 2019
" Mary and Sharolette, I would like to thank you both for giving 3 TinyPersian kittens
an absolutely perfect, loving forever home ! " Debbie - Breeder
Jennifer little boy holds " Rickie" all the way home after picking up this Silver Chinchilla male Persian kitten for TinyPersains
Rickie relaxed
Adjusting immediately !
Calm - Sweet Persian kitten
" Nick " 2019 kitten >
Now named " Stoni"
< Look how white this Silver Chinchilla matured to by 4.5 weeks old . . .
and still small !
" Nikko Bear "
These TinyPersians recently departed
and are in their new homes much loved !
Lots of smiles and good times with their new kittens !
Jill and her lovely family picked up their new Shaded Silver Persian kitten " Tigger"
" Rickie" is a very tiny Persian kitten that is ever so sweet ! A clean white coat misted with Silver . Jill has also reserved the little girl " Dotty " sired by Prince Amar
" Tiny Teddie "
Departed March 28th 2019
Shelli and family - Dallas, Texas
2019 Shaded Golden Male Persian kitten
sired by Prince Amar
" Romeo "
" Romeo " was named and chosen by Anita
for a Birthday present for a dear friend; Christine
Anita already has 3 TinyPersian kittens named; Versace, Michael and Angelo
Romeo " departed 5-17-19 and was delivered to Anita and Christine !
This lovely Silver Persian kitten has an extraordinary balanced Doll Face and perfect in every way - Christine loves her new TinyPersian
Departed May 17, 2019 Sired by Moscato
Out of a Giovanna daughter !
" Nikko Bear "
Two Silver Chinchilla TinyPersians kittens story
" Diva Luv " 1 pound - 2 ounces bold and nothing bothers her
" Dude Boo Bear " 2 pounds - 2 ounces playful with
" Boone " a BullMastiff - a 125 pounds gentle giant !
9 - 6 -19
Debbie, Thank you so much ! He's beyond beautiful ! He will be very loved !
Dallas, Texas
2019 Silver Chinchilla
Persian kitten
Sired by Moscato
Aa - SC - M 2019
In 2018 Mary purchases a male Silver Chinchilla and her daughter prior to that purchased the "tiny" Yoshi
In 2019 Mary returns to choose another Persian named
" Little Emmie " 2 years old and only 3+ pounds !
< " Vinnie " 2018 kitten
2018 Hi Debbie, just want to give you an update on " Vinnie " We love him so so very much Debbie !
2019 " Debbie, this is Connie, we would like another kitten . . . a friend for Vinnie ! "
Connie - Oklahoma
5 -7 -19 Hi Debbie ~
First night he (Stoni) really missed his mommy and brother. Yesterday was perfect ! !
Already fitting in great. Vinnie and Stoni seem like they have been buddy’s forever.
Stoni loves to give kisses and sit up on his back legs which is adorable!! They are so smart ! !
I feel so lucky. His little personality is just exploding. Dave and I really enjoy you and Steve’s company. Wished we lived closer. Thank you again for everything. Coming home after work is like coming into a fairly land thanks to you and Steve bringing our precious babies to us. I will send pics asap. Thank you again and have a great day with all of your babies. Connie
" Little Lady "
" Happy Birthday Christine ! "
from Anita
" Pooh Bear " future sire for
First litter arrived May 8th, 2019 !
Reserve one of his kittens today !
" Hi Debbie,
I’m feeding Dude Boo Bear (named after his sire "Pooh Bear" - formerly named Tigger) 3 x daily soft food, dry food out all the time
and goats milk 1 -2 x daily. He loves his goats milk !
I add in the Nu Vet vitamins to his milk b/c I know he’ll finish it all !
I did notice that if I give both canned food and goat milk at same time, Dude will fill up on the milk and not eat much canned food.
Now, I try to let him eat his food first and later give him milk.
I cannot begin to imagine how you and Steve keep up with multiple feeding schedules for all your babies and the Mama cats.
You go above and beyond to make sure your cats are happy & healthy !
This is why y’all have the best tiny persians !
Our family and our new cat names:
:Addi (11 yrs), Reed (9yrs), Chase (6 yrs) - Russ & Jill
Tigger (Shaded Silver male) we named : Dude BooBear
Dotty (Silver Chinchilla female) we named: Diva Luv
* Dude & Diva *
** I’m attaching a pic of the goat milk that I bought to make sure
it’s one you prefer.
Look at those precious eyes in that pic of Dude! Super cute ! " Jill
7-17-19 Oh Debbie, Tigger is beyond precious! His eyes look so turquoise! We’re all in love already ! !!!
If you get a chance to take pics of Richie, please send just in case kids decide 2 boys would be fun!
I’m so glad you sent that link about caring for your Persian.
I did not know you’re suppose to keep them in small room & not let them roam for a week or more. I’m learning so much from you...you’re a remarkable breeder! Thanks, Jill
7-17-19 Jill, you can have kittens the first day any place in the home supervised until they get adjusted to their new home. The info I provided are guidelines and most kittens adjust the first few hours! Even with dogs ! Debbie
In 2018 Syliva reserves a kitten . . .
planning ahead ! March 2019 Sylvia and her husband Daemon choose " Georgette " a lovely shaded golden female Persian kitten !
Shelli purchases "Nikko Bear" 3 days later Shelli returns
to choose another Persian kitten - " Tiny Teddie "
" Teddy " formerly named " The Silver Prince"
Debbie, Teddy is amazing, fun, sweet and playful and the best cuddles !
He now has free rein of our house and is so confident and happy ! Elizabeth
May 9th, 2019 Hi Debbie,
Thank you for the additional photos, we are so in love with him. We are moving forward with Teddy, for his name. Thanks for sharing the information on your website in caring for our new kitten. Thank you.
We are already on cloud nine !
Elizabeth & Josh & Family :)
Thank you! Elizabeth ( and Josh)
" The SIlver Prince " January 2019 Persian kitten
Departed 2019 Sired by Prince Amar
" Georgette "
DOB May 8th, 2019
Sired by " Pooh Bear "
" Diva Luv " 1 pound - 2 ounces
" Billy "
Gilbert and Jennifer
" Debbie we would like another kitten ! "
" We are all just thrilled to have them both ! ! "
" His turned up nose is the most adorable thing ever ! ! ! "
" We love him so much ! "
" Debbie . . . . we are in love ! "
" I couldn’t be happier with her sweet disposition ! "
" She is a wonderful loving baby ! "
" I adore her ! "
" Everything i wanted ! She is a head turner ! "
" He loves to give kisses and sit up on his back legs ! ! "
" I can't stop crying . . . I am so blessed ! "
" I can't believe how perfect " he " is ! ! "
" We are already on cloud nine ! "
" Coming home is like coming into a fairly land "
Omg ! We are in looove !
Smaller than I imagined !
" She is perfect !
My kids went nutzo when they saw her face & big eyes !
Please reserve her for us ! Thx Debbie ! ! ! ! "
" You go above and beyond to make sure your cats
are happy & healthy !
This is why y’all have the best tiny persians ! "
" He is beyond precious ! His eyes look so turquoise ! "
" We’re all in love already ! !!! "
He's beyond beautiful !
" Tigger "
" Rickie "
In 2018 Connie purchases " Vinni "
formerly breeder named " Jo Jo "
in 2019 Connie returns to choose
another Persian kitten that is only 3 weeks old !
Nick and Connie names him " Stoni "
" Lucifer "
June 23 2019 A shaded Golden male Persian kitten . . . .
Lucifer Departure to Houston Texas with his new family Sherry and Justin and children
This is the 3rd Persian kitten Sherry and Justin Purchased for their family
First Silver Persian kitten they took home was in 2018
Early 2019 they came back and acquired "Little Lady" and that is what she is . . . very tiny Persian female kitten with a big personality !
6-23-19 Sherry and Justin's family reserved their 4th Persian kitten
patiently awaiting a rare black Persian kitten. Thank you Sherry and Justin for giving "our" tinyPersians a loving home. Debbie
Departed June 23rd, 2019 Sired by Moscato
Out of a Golden Persian dam !
Full brother to " Rosie" and " Mr. Truffles "
August 2019 Jill and Russ pick up another Persian kitten named Dotty
and her new name is now Diva Luv !
" Rosie "
7-27-19 First day home
Omg ! We are in looove ! Smaller than I imagined . . . very intelligent eyes and communication
He is beautiful insdie and out ! Thank you !
Your husband is a gem too
My tabby exotic is already submitting to him
They are not upset at all
My male tabby just wants to be newr him !
They're all going to be best friends!
I'm so sorry we seemed difficult
Thank you for this wonderful kitty
I will cherish him ! Jennifer
" Vinnie" 2019 Customer Photo
" Little Lady "
" Little Lady "
April 2019 Sherry purchased a lovely Silver Chinchilla Persian kitten " Ima Cutesy " in 2018
and has chosen " Little Lady " in 2019
" Little Lady " a 2019 Persian kitten is the smallest Persian kitten to-date
that TInyPersians has ever produced !
2 pounds 1.8 ounce at 3 months old !
" Little Lady " DOB January 20th, 2019 kitten
Departed April 2019
Jill, Russ and her family come back for another Tiny Persian
" Nikko Bear " and Gia
2019 kitten
Shaded Blue Golden Persian
2019 Asma seaches for a Shaded Golden female Persian kitten
and finds her dream kitten " Rosie " with TinyPersians
July 4th, 2019
Debbie, She is playful and active ! Rosie brings so much joy and happiness to ouir family - we all love her adorableness ! Asma
" Romeo "
Just arrived to his new home 5-17-19
5-17-19 ( To Anita from Christine )
" Anita, It just hit me this evening and I can't stop crying . . .
I am so blessed ! I can't believe how perfect " Romeo " is !!
and he is so playful !! " Christine
5-17-19 ( To Christine from Anita wishing Christine a Happy Birthday ! )
" OH ENJOY HIM - A PRECIOUS GIFT FROM GOD - HE CREATES ALL !!!!! DEBRA (TinyPersians) of course helps ! Anita
5-26-19 Anita giving Romeo his first bath >
after arriving to his new forever home in Florida !
Anita offered Romeo for a Birthday present for
Christine and her husband - dear friends
" The Silver Prince"
" Boone " 125 pounds !
Debbie, " Nikko Bear " is really good with our daughter - Gia
This pic of Nikko and Gia is too precious not to share ! Shelli
" Bobbie McGee " and "Susie
Purchased by Giang (pronunced Yang)
Jackie friend picking up the kittens for her friend
" Mei "
2019 Debbie, Mei is a spaz ! She's adorable ! Upgraded her to her own room
(with a brand new cat tree that she scales like a champ much to my surprise)
and the room itself will eventually have a door converted with a cat only entrance
so the cats and come and go through the house
Since she’s still so small, keeping her away from the bigger pets for now
Lots of love - Lots of toys - Eating and playing well and getting along with my two cats
The younger one is super interested in her
Here’s a quick video ! Best and much love,
Kelly and Mei
Mei DOB January 2019
" Pooh Bear "
" Jasmine "
Hi Debbie, I wanted to update you on my baby Jasmine (Jazzy)
She is 3.7 lbs of total love !
She is a veteran flyer at this point, and happily sits on my shoulder for the entire flight
We literally spend 24 / 7 together and I couldn’t be happier with her sweet disposition !
Hope all is well ! Thank you ! Robin
January 1, 2019 " She is a wonderful loving baby - a very good traveler
I travel mainly to and from Florida and California with her - I adore her!
Everything i wanted ! She is a head turner !
She did get bigger than expected but still easy to manage travel with
She seems to be done growing now
I am so happy with her ! Robin
Happy 2019 New Year !
" Jasmine " 2018 kitten
" Nikko Bear "
Departed March 25th 2019
Shelli and family - Dallas, Texas
2019 Shaded Golden Male Persian kitten sired by Saafir
" Tigger "
Customer Testimonial Reviews
" Nikko Bear "
7 - 31 -19
Debbie, Thank you so much for any future grooming referrals !
Tomi and Luna are doing wonderfully
Tomi . . . always by my side
He’s such a sweet boy -
started out being a shy kitty (first arriving) but quickly grew out of that
now loves following everyone around,
playing and taking naps
with the doggies. L O L !
Luna is so talkative, beautiful
and the princess of the house.
We treasure them both ! ! ! Rachel
2016 Silver Chinchilla
Persian kitten
Sired by Prince Amar
" Georgette "
" Amazing Grace "
"Amazing Grace " purchased in 2018 by Karen - Texas
May 25 2019 Hi Debbie,
After almost a year with us "Amazing Grace" is doing really well !
We love her so much and she is the perfect kitty !
She plays with our grandchildren now and
is becoming more independent all of the time.
I thought you might like to see her picture
Thank you ! Karen
Departed 2018 Sired " Prince Amar"
Silver Chinchilla female Persian
" Georgette "
7-27-19 Breeder - Debbie
So glad you love him . . . Rickie is a special boy
and I will miss him dearly
I wanted to keep him but have to let go of them
He has always held a special place in my heart !
I know you had such an awful experience
with a past breeder . . . and ringworm
It makes our job more difficult helping cat seekers to trust and have confidence in acquiring a healthy and ringworm free, well socialized Persian kitten
Yes, everyone always says they are so much
smaller in person - glad you are pleased
Best wishes with your Monday surgery
Snuggle with your
new TinyPersian Rickie and rest
He is a snuggle bunny !
Thank you for sending photos of Rickie
settling in his new home !
" Vinnie" 2018 kitten
Jennifer surprised how small " Rickie " was the day she picked him up (7-27-19)
Rickie born May 8th 2019 was
11 weeks - 3 days old in this photo
Over 3 months old !
" Georgette "
Tiny Diva - 1 pound 2 ounces
with her friend a Bullmastiff !
9 - 6 -19
Daijah and her Sister arrive to pick up their TinyPersian kitten " Billy "
They are so happy with him they are keeping his name !
" Georgette "
Departed March 30th 2019
Syliva and Daemon - Katy, Texas
2019 Shaded Golden Female Persian kitten sired by Prince Amar
" Billy "
" Dude BooBear "
and Dave
" Debbie, I made my baby Jasmine
a custom bed ! " Robin
" Robin, your lovely
Silver Chinchilla is adorable !
Love the bed you made for her ! "
" Stoni "
" Stoni " formerly named " Nick " by breeder
May 14 2019 Hi Debbie ~
First night he really missed his mommy and brother
Yesterday was perfect ! ! Already fitting in great
Vinnie (our 2018 Persian kitten from TinyPersians - you )
and Stoni seem like they have been buddy’s forever
Stoni loves to give kisses and sit up on his back legs which is adorable ! ! They are so smart ! ! I feel so lucky !
His little personality is just exploding
He is drinking about (3) small bowls of milk and some wet food each day Brush time is about 5pm and he is already figuring it out ! !
Dave and I really enjoy you and Steve’s company
Wished we lived closer. Thank you again for everything
Coming home after work is like coming into a fairly land thanks to you
and Steve bringing our precious babies to us. I will send pics asap Connie
Departed May 10, 2019 Sired by Moscato
Out of a Giovanna daughter !
Full brother to " Romeo "
" Debbie, His (Pooh Bear) turned up nose is the most adorable thing ever ! ! ! " Sharlotte
Customer Photo
" Little Lady "
" Nikko Bear " and " Tiny Teddie "
2 TinyPersians arrive to their new home this past week
Departure March 25th and 28th, 2019
2019 Testimonials
" Tomi "
" Stoni "
3 months old and still tiny !
" Stoni "
" Chirp "
January 2019 Wanda lost her lovely Persian and came to TinyPersians to find her next sole mate
Wanda was looking for a Persian that would be sweet, healthy and sleep with her
To my surprise "Chirp" meeting Wanda for the first time immediately took to her !
"Chirp's" first day home he quickly adjusted and soon was exploring and playing with toys offered him
" Chirp " March 2018 kitten
Departed 2019
2 pounds 1.8 ounces at 3 months old !
" Tomi "
" Now this is " Cute " !
" Stoni "
3-30-19 Debbie, OMG they're GREAT ! " Nikko Bear " has fully adjusted and
looks/acts like he's home (after arriving 3-25-19)
" Tiny Teddy " is still not sure about us but we did hear him purring several times today
and they both are eating well (departure on 3-28-19)
We are all just thrilled to have them both !
They play together ALOT ! They sleep in the cat tree together and it's adorable
These boys are our hearts !
They're doing great and we are thankful for them ! Blessings ! Shelli
" Bobbie McGee "
Bobbie McGee is an absolutely perfect Silver Chinchilla male Persian kitten
Perfect balanced Doll Face with large expressive eyes!
" Debbie, your Persian cats are so cute ! " Jackie
Departed 2019 Sired by Prince Amar
" Little Lady "
Jayne and Amy Doctors in Dallas Texas are friends come to pick up Jayne's new TinyPersian Shaded Silver Persian kitten . . . " Jake "
A very small Doll Face Persian kitten !
Jayne giving her kitten his first bath . . . amazed her kitten is purring !
" Vinnie" 2018 Persian kitten -
Now 10 months old!
Born dark and lighten up as the grow !