Teacup Size
Miniature Size
About the Teacup Persian Kitten and Cat
The smaller Persian is sometimes referred to as teacup, miniature, mini, pixie, toy, or tiny . . .
at TinyPersians we refer to our Persians as tiny . . . as this is what they are!
Some of them are much smaller then other catteries kittens they call teacup
Our sizes start at 3.2 pounds to 7. 8 pounds
In 2016 the TinyPersian Cattery produced a very small litter of healthy tiny miniature Persian kittens
weighing 1.3 pounds at 3 months old !
Now that is very small
What TinyPersians.com breeds CFA Registered Persians specializing in the Silver Persian Division
defined by the CFA Registry
As reputable, CFA Registered Cattery, we strive to produce Doll Face Silver, Silver Chinchilla Persians
We occasionally have Golden and even Smoke Persians
Here at TinyPersians Cattery, we have carefully bred and produced Persian cats
to insure their sizes remain small, yet healthy
Descriptive words such as teacup, micro, mini or miniature have brought so much controversy
between teacup cat breeders
Here is a discussion about the Teacup Persian . . .
When a Persian breeder defines breeding Teacup Persians,
yes it is not recognized as a CFA defined category of the Persian breed,
however, the term TEACUP, has been used for such a long time it has been accepted
within the Cat Pet Industry and termed as; TEACUP PERSIAN
So yes, there is such a thing as a TEACUP PERSIAN, THIS COINED PHRASE
has been to identify some very impressive and successful
Persian breeders . . . like anything, caution and be selective with your breeder choice
Remember an adjective describes something, so tiny, teacup, miniature, toy, pixie, and mini
are all descriptions (adjectives) of very small Persian cats and kittens
Yes ! There really is such a thing as a Teacup Persian !
What is an adjective?
An adjective is a word that describes, identifies or further defines a noun or a pronoun
There are thousands of adjectives available to describe how something feels, looks, sounds, tastes and acts
What do the words tiny, mini, miniature mean? They are adjectives
The describe a noun. Cats are nouns
What are nouns?
Nouns name people, places, things, or ideas
What is a teacup, tiny Persian?
Teacup Tiny an adjective, describes the noun "Persian cats and kittens"
So " Follow your Dream . . . "
Find a cattery that you can trust, and find healthy very small cats and kittens if that is what you are seeking
The next time you read; " There is no such thing as a teacup or tiny Persian cat or kitten"
that tells you that understanding the English language gives you all the answers you have been asking !
Obviously using an adjective to describe nouns is part of our every day language
Shop now for your Persian kitten of your dreams !
Choose a TinyPersian Cattery healthy, small Persian cat or kitten
Call it what you like A small, a little, a pixie, a miniature, a teacup, a tiny Persian kitten
Most importantly, choose a cattery of high standards and that are reputable
Choose the TinyPersians Cattery of Texas creating positive memories and experiences for the Persian cat shopper. Our customers testify . . .
​" TinyPersians Cattery of Texas have the best doll face teacup, miniature cat breeder out there! "
Contact us today and have an adorable Persian
for your very own !
Gorgeous, Silver and Chinchilla Persians for sale
Teacup Persians simply refers
to a Persian kitten being smaller then the typical average size of the
Persian cat
Some breeders specialize in producing smaller statured Persians generally defined as Teacup Persians . . .
​There are several
generic names . . .
small, toy and teacup Persians
​Some individual breeder lines are often called "palm-sized", "pocket", "mini" and "pixie" and "Tiny" Persians
" Teacup Persians are not recognized as a separate breed by major registries, yet, it has not hurt their popularity "
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The Persian cat breed is gentle, sweet, playful
and does not require much attention
They rather lay in a regal way on your sofa
or bed like they were a prince or princess !
The Persian a sophisticated cat breed loves to be with you
and to be admired, loves to stay clean
"Discover the world of Tiny Chinchilla and Silver Persians"
The world of kittens is a joyful adventure . . . for the whole family !
You will find your kittens possessing their own personalities and learning very quickly routines
Start your kitten on the right track and have a schedule for eating, playing, grooming,
sleeping and interacting with people
Persian cats are known for preferring routine schedules
They are regal in their appearance and attitudes
They love to play, jump, hide, climb, run, sneak, peak, chase . . . and more !
Choose a tiny Persian kitten to take home . . .
"Discover the world of Tiny Silver Chinchilla Persians"
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electronically, printed or transferred in any way, including user altering any of these creative works in any way
to conceal the usage of these images/photos, logos, art illustrations and/or art renderings that are produced,
owned and copyrighted by TinyPersians.com will be in violations
of the U.S. Copyright Laws
and will be prosecuted therefore under the current statutes. WARNING!
Teacup Doll Face Persian kittens are the smallest Persian kittens and highly sought after
They are small kittens, very small kittens !
Teacup and Toy Persian kittens are referred to as Toy or Pixie miniature Persian cats
They are considered very unique, and a smaller version of the standard Persian cat breed
Teacup Doll Face Persian Kittens are the smallest Persian kittens weighing between
3 to 7 pounds, often defined by some breeders to be up to 7.5 - 8 pounds
Some breeders produce a small-statured Persians generally defined as Teacup Persians, however, there are a number of generic names being used to define these small Persians, "miniature" Persians and "toy" Persians Most often referred to as "teacup" Persians, but with individual cattery breeders these small Persians are also called; "palm-sized", "pocket", "mini" and "pixie" and "tiny". There has been a recent high demand for smaller, kittens and muzzles/face that are less smushed. This is a matter of preference for pet Persians and even today's show Persian cats. If you are seeking a show Persian, the current CFA guidelines is what you should seek
As far as, smaller, doll face persians, everyone loves miniatures in breeds and the Teacup Persians popularity is increasing in demand ! Teacup is an adjective (description) NOT A CAT BREED. Read More
​Currently, the teacup Persians are not recognized as a separate breed by major registries, yet, it has not hurt their popularity. Each breeder sets their own standards for size since the breed is not regulated by registries. Females weigh between 3 to 7 pounds
Males weigh between 4 to 8 pounds
OUR Newborn kittensweigh 53 grams to 92 grams at birth
Developing kittensranging from
1 pound to 2.5 pounds kittens at 3 months old
Adult Silver Persians maxing out to 3 to 8 pounds
Females weigh between 3 to 6.5 pounds
Males weigh between 4.5 to 7.5 pounds
Miniature cats less then 5 pounds
Other Persian Cat breeders - Standard Persians
Females 7.5 to 11 pounds
Males 9 to 14 pounds
The price of a Teacup Persian isn't necessarily based on size.
There are other characteristics to the Persian that is evaluated in pricing individuals.
The Chinchilla Persian is a variety of the Persian cat, classified as a "silver" cat or Chinchilla Longhair. Chinchilla Longhair has a slightly longer nose than the Persian, resulting in healthy breathing and less eye tearing. Its hair is translucent with only the tips carrying black pigment, a feature that gets lost when out-crossed to other colored Persians. One of the distinctions of the Chinchilla Persian breed is the their blue-green or green eye color only, with kittens having blue or blue-purple eye color.
The Chinchilla undercoat should be pure white, the coat on the back, legs, flanks, head, ears and tail being tipped with black. This tipping is evenly distributed, gives a sparkling appearance. The face and legs may be very slightly shaded tipping, however, the chin, ear tufts, stomach and chest must be pure white. Ideally the hocks should be unblemished. The eyes are large, round and outlined with black eyeliner, color emerald green or blue-green in color. The nose leather - brick red, outlined with penciling of black. The pads black.
Chinchilla Persian personalities are generally very quiet, gentle and placid in nature, love to lie around the home more as a decorative ornament! They are affectionate, enjoy attention and can be quite attached and loyal to their master
TinyPerisans.com specializes in Teacup Doll Face Chinchilla, Silvers, Silver Shaded Persians
If you are wanting a tiny Persian, with a long, silky coat and of a dosel nature, contact us today
Reserve your kitten or join our waiting list