" Little Emmie "
Silver Chinchilla Female
Female Persian kitten
" Little Emmie " is exactly what she is !
Extremely tiny and ever so sweet
this lovely Silver Chinchilla girl
A very, very small and sweet kitten !
She has a beautiful free flowing Silver Chinchilla coat, large expressive eyes that have a brilliant green color
" Little Emmie "
To reserve this lovely Chinchilla
give us a call today !
Sired by Saafir
Soft - fluffy coated
For Sale
" Chirp "
Silver Chinchilla
Male Persian kitten
" Chirp " after breeding for years we know a star
when we see one !
" Chirp " can be described as literally perfect
Silver Chinchilla Doll Face Persian kitten !
His body structure, coat, facial features
and personality are an A +
" Chirp's " coat is amazingly fluffy
and easy to care for
It is free flowing and silky !
You can see how soft and luxurious his coat is
in these photos !
He possesses a round crown with a doll face look
and his face stays clean !
Has a sensible, playful personality and very smart !
" Chirp " is sired by Saafir and
out of the Giovanna line !
One of the most successful crosses we have produced !
Reserve this lovely Silver Chinchilla
male Persian kitten today !
Sired by " Saafir "
" Crystal "
" Crystal "
" The Snow Prince "
Snow White Persian
Male Persian kitten
A lovely doll face Persian kitten
has an extra soft, fluffy coat that is so easy to care for !
He has a big personally with lots of character . . .
one to surely have you rolling over !
So sweet, playful, intelligent and loves people and other pets !
He loves to play, is active and buddies with a younger kitten
where he is gentle and actually will let the kitten crawl all over him
and he knows to be sweet !
Just a lovely boy and definitely a gem !
A kitten this lovely (so gorgeous in person!) will give you so much joy !
Appearing larger then he is as his coat is so full and fluffy
where it naturally perks up ! His coat is easy to care for and ever so soft
Here in the photo you can see his coat density
gives him a fluffy Persian coat appearance
A coat like this is of high demand as it is so beautiful and easy to care for !
His eyes will get larger as he grows and
predicted to be blue green or green
" The Snow Prince " has a correct round face and
eyes placed correctly on his face with an adorable pink nose and pink lips!
Sired by " Onyx of Eden "
For Sale
Accented with Shades of Silver
with a white undercoat
Currently we have some of the finest Persian kittens produced from the CFA Silver Division
Choose miniature - teacup - standard size Persian kittens and cats
Choose Persian white - silver- silver shaded - silver chinchilla - tortoishell - blackcoat colors
Choose a well socialized love bunny- FIV - FeLV - Ringworm warrantee
For Sale
For Sale
" Susie "
Shaded Golden Female
Female Persian kitten
" Susie" is a very sweet doll face Shaded Golden female Persian kitten
Susie is small and has a soft easy to care for coat and lovely emerald green eyes !
She is one we considered keeping and is available
To reserve this lovelyShaded Golden today !
Sired by Saafir
Dam retired
" Willow "
Shaded Golden
Male Persian kitten
An outstanding Shaded Golden Persian kitten !
" Willow " has rich golden colors accented with black on his coat, and some apricot colors
on his tummy with a white chin
His coat is thick and luxurious, yet so easy to care for as it is silky and smooth, yet full !
" Willow " loves your company and makes it known
He is a joy to be around
He has a sweet social personality,
playful and is kind to the other kittens
One of those kittens you
just want to hug and kiss !
is sired by Prince Amar
" Puff "
Silver Chinchilla
Male Persian kitten
" Puff " is a beautiful Silver Chinchilla
male Persian kitten that has a kind disposition, easy going, a gentlemen, always kind to other kittens and can be full of the dickens
when he decides to play !
He is sensible with all he does,
nothing bothers him,
grooms and baths well
and purrs all the time !
" Puff " has a gorgeous, soft, true mink textured,
full coat that is ever so luxurious ! It always looks like he just and a bath and groomed
He has a balanced body structure,
coal black paw pads,
a beautiful doll face with large eyes !
Sired by " Saafir "
Now in Corpus Christie, Texas
with Tracie
Large expressive eyes !
Shaded Silver Persian
Female Kitten
" Crystal " is a very small Silver Shaded female Persian kitten and will remain extremely small
as her Dam is only 3 . 3 pounds !
Her sire - " Prince Amar " is our smallest sire
In these photos, "Crystal" appears as a Silver Chinchilla, however, she is a Shaded silver possessing a light undercoat and lovely shades of silver beautifully accented across her body and facial features !
Her coat is amazingly long, silky and easy to care for !
She has a very short and cobby, yet strong built miniature body - a true treasure as she is so tiny,
yet has substance and so correct !
She has stunning large round eyes
that are a beautiful green color
She is dainty and loves people, is curious and loves to watch her favorite DVD video:
" Cat Dreams" !
You will find her perched looking out a window . . . as butterflies and birds flutter across the sky !
If you are seeking a kitten that is the smallest available with a sweet disposition and absolutely adorable, . . .
" Crystal "
is a good choice !
" Crystal "
Beautiful Shaded Silver
Chinchilla Female
A tiny, extremely small, doll face Silver Chinchilla male Persian kitten
A snow white, fluffy, clean coated
male Persian kitten
Ask about my brother ! He has the best personality,
a snow white coat and has one blue eye and one green eye !
Sweet sweet girly girl !
A beautiful doll face
with balanced facial features
For Sale
" The Snow Prince "
Dark kitten eyes indicate they will be a beautiful emerald green as an adult Persian !
More 2018 Available Persian Kitten Photos
" Chirp "
" The Snow Prince "
" Mandy "
Ask about our White, Shaded Silver,
Silver Chinchilla and Tortoishell Persian kittens
Reserve one today !
" Josh "
Silver Chinchilla Persian
Male Persian kitten
This extremely tiny, silver chinchilla male Persian kitten is out of our smallest producing Silver Persian lines
" Josh " is perfect in every way
He has a strong built, cobby body,
yet so, so small and will remain small
We have Persian kittens from miniature size,
to teacup to standard size Persians
" Josh " is a top pick kitten as he has no flaws !
Super tiny ears with lots of fluffy hair on his ears
Eyes that are correctly placed on his doll face
and a dark pink - pink - red brick nose
His mouth, nose and eyes are strongly outlined in black
His paw pads are jet black
"Josh " is extremely intelligent, he learns quickly,
is active and playful
His coat is full and a lovely Silver Chinchilla silky texture
Josh's back is straight and correct !
He is a full brother to " Pooh Bear "
This is one kitten we have our eyes on and
at anytime may no longer be available
If you want an absolutely perfect doll face Silver Persian Chinchilla . . . choose " Josh " while he is still available
Dam will be bred in 2019 to our new sire, even though she has out produced herself with Prince Amar !
Sired by " Prince Amar "
" Crystal "
" Crystal "
" Mandy "
For Sale
Large expressive eyes !
Beautiful Doll Face Persian kitten
Crystal " coat color is between a light chinchilla color to shades of silver accents, she looks much like her sire and dam in many ways !
This is a very, very small
Persian kitten !
" Mandy "
Silver Shaded Chinchilla Persian
Female kitten
Mandy is a very sweet Persian kitten out of the Giovanna line and sired by Prince Amar
Mandy's extra large green eyes are predicted to mature to a beautiful Emerald Green color as an adult
Ask about this lovely female Persian kittten
Sired by " Prince Amar "
Persian kittens are Easily entertained !
They love their Favorite Cat movie DVD " Cat Dreams "