
A soft -  silky mink coat



Large expressive teardrop eyes 

Extremely Small !

For Sale  

Mayka - Sold

Curious - Ultra Sweet - Handsome !

​Most asked for Persian !


"  Iam Cutesy"

" Jeremy "

"  White Male "

Snow - Pure White Male

 now 3 weeks old



2 months old


Shaded Golden Chinchilla Male

" Tequila Sunrise "

DOB July 2017

> Large Expressive Turquoise Eyes 

>  So, so sweet - a personality you will love !

>  Lovely gold - creme - shaded colors

>  Out of top Producing Dam !

>  Perfect Doll Face Persian Male

>  1 year old

>  Comes with 3 sets of baby shots

& Rabies Vaccinations



Fluffy Full Coat  !


Face stays clean !

Sweet . . . lovable girl   !

Reserved by Sau

Be the first to choose

one of these purrfect 

Doll Face Persian kittens

with turned up noses  !

Snow White Male Persian kitten

This is one fancy boy !  Sweet. fluffy, easy to care for coat

" Truffles  "

" Truffles  "

" Jeremy "

Silver Chinchilla Male 


" Silver Chinchilla Male "



Choose a perfect Doll Face Persian Kitten

with large expressive, rare teardrop eyes !  

Rare  Red  Mackerel  Tabby  Male

Playful and a sweet personality !

      " The Little Prince " 

  Silver Chinchilla Male 

>  Mink texture coat

>  Softly misted in Silver

>  Perfect Doll Face

>  Large correct shaped eyes 

>  Eyes currently Turquoise color

>  Feet pads black leather

>  Facial features outlined in black

>  Turn up nose

> Small ears

>  Large Feet & strong body

>  Short tail 

> Playful, friendly, loves your company

> Alert, active, eats well

Sire: Prince Amar

Dam:  Giovanna daughter 

Now with Kathleen 


Our Goldens are uniquely accented with shades of gold, creme, white

and black

" Hazel " formerly named " Truffles  "

Producing Turquoise Eyes !




Lovely Pure White Persian Kitten



" The Snow Prince "

Pure Snow White Persian Male


DOB June 3rd 2018​

> Silky, soft, mink coated

>  Pure Snow White Male

>  Doll Face with Pink nose

>  Dam - Ice Blue Eyes

>  Sire - Emerald Green Eyes

>  Available for departure at 8 weeks old

>  Lovely Personality 

>  A love Bunny !

Photo few months old, now 1.5 years old  !

" Mybrother now in a Texas home !

Reserved for Michael 6-15-18

      A little boy

       with a big personality !

Silver Chinchilla Male Persian Kitten

A very light white Silver Chinchilla

that is lightly misted with Silver

 The ideal Chinchilla look !

He has large expressive eyes that are perfectly

placed on a lovely doll face   

He is correct in every way ! 

A small Persian with large feet is so adorable !   

His tail is short on a well built body !


 Other Silver Chinchilla males  FOR  SALE

"  Sparkles"

Cream paw boots !

Silver Chinchilla Male Persian kitten

This lovely snow white Silver Chinchilla male Persian kitten

is a miniature vs of the highly sought after "Show Persian " !  

" Mikey "   Has a wonderful personality that keeps you entertained !  He doesn't miss a thing.  You will find him looking at you out of the corner of his eye if he is busy !

So, so smart and makes you chuckle !

"Mikey's"   coat is a snow white, soft, silky mink texture,

truly a lovely coat !

His eyes are predicted to be a gorgeous Emerald Green   

" Mikey "   Is active, playful, curious and intelligent   

A well built, sturdy body, yet maintaining an

all around small structure

Small kitten with large fluffy feet !

​Sturdy chest, correct round face, small ears, little nose

- all the characteristics Persians are known for

With careful breeding selections, this boy is the outcome

of a beautiful Giovanna daughter and our

smallest sire' " Prince Amar " !

 Photo  10-25-18

Easy to care for !


"  Little Emmie   "

"  Makya "  formerly named " Hunter "

" Chirp "

Mink Texture Coat

10 -19 - 18  photo

Stunning Shaded Golden

Ask about these kittens

Emerald Green Eyes !


Silver Perfection and

very Small !

"  Mikey "

Ask about Willow

Reserved for Michael 6-15-18

Reserve in advance  !

Ask about Adults



​​<  How can you pass up a gorgeous  DOLL FACE

like this ? 

Sweet, extra large eyes 

very small kitten  !

Hunter  - Reserved for Sau

Ask about Sparkle

Pure Chinchilla Persians 

DOB  2018

> Easy to care for Chinchillas

>  Brothers can be offered together 

>  Playful and adorable play mates

>  White undercoats - misted with Silver

>  Doll Face Persians - extra large eyes 

>  Emerald Green and Turquoise Eyes !

>  Strong black outliner around eyes and nose

>  Available for departure at 8 weeks old


Sophisticated !  So, so Tiny !

Two male Persian kittens - 12 months old  FOR SALE

" Sparkle "

Shaded Silver Female

Extremely Small !


Shaded Silver Female

LL - SS - F -2

This kitten has been reserved by Sau of Hong Kong

Turquoise Eyes !

"  Truffles  "


More Silver Chinchilla males  FOR  SALE

Ask about "Chirp", "Josh", "Bobbie McGee

So - So Sweet ! 

" The Snow Prince "

Silver Chinchilla Male Persian Kitten Available

10-15-18 photo

Choose an absolutely stunning - correct Persian !


" Mikey " 

>   Silver Chinchilla  

>   Correct facial features

>  Staying true to the CFA Persian Cat standards 

>  Beautiful Snow White Chinchilla Coat

>  Large Teardrop Emerald Green Eyes outlined in black

>  Adorable turn up nose outlined in black

>  Black Leather Paw Pads

>  Large Fluffy Feet

>  Well built, strong chest, smaller Persian size

>  Ears correctly placed on a round face

>   Intelligent, playful, active, full of energy

>   Eats well, litter trained (of course), good with other Persians

>  DOB March 2018

>  Sire:  Prince Amar - smallest male we have !

​Now Michael and Marie in Florida

6 months old

"  Crystal "

Shaded Silver Female 4 months old 

"  Iam Cutesy"

Doll Face Silver Chinchilla Male 

​If you want an easy to care for very light white Silver Chinchilla Persian kitten . . . this kitten is a real prize !   Best of all his personality !  He is sensible, playful, kind, intelligent and sweet !

 <  Silver Chinchilla Male Persian Kitten

<   So, so sweet!

<   Light white Silver Chinchilla

<   Face stays clean !

<   Coat extra soft - mink type feeling and look !

<   Facial features outlined in black - eyes, nose, mouth

<   Paws black leather pads

 <  Easy to care for - clean face !

 <  Amazing personality . . .

<   Looks at you straight in the eyes !   

<   Playful and kind to his playmates

<   DOB 3-20-18

<   Dam:  Ultra sweet carries to her kittens

<   Sire:   Prince Amar Sire - rich emerald green eyes !

Ultra sweet -  soft-silky coat . . . " nothing bothers me personality ! " 

These ( Below ) kittens are available too!

New photos will be added for all these kittens in a couple days 

Kittens are now 3 and 9 weeks old !    Kittens are old enough to depart at 8 - 10 weeks old 

​Very Tiny  Persians

" Truffles  "

Golden Chinchilla

10 months old

More available kittens below  . . .

" Chad "

Tortoishell Female Persian kitten

A lovely female Persian Tortoishell accented with many colors of creme'gold, black, chocolate and white !

" Truffles    possesses an adorable, unique face that is so stunning to look at !  Part of her face actually has white markings that stands out giving her face

              much expression with viewing her                     

Several creme' booted paws

with black leather paw pads

As she softly moves across the room her boots stand out !

" Truffles "  grooms and keeps her self looking lovely  

She loves to stay clean and does a good job all herself !

Currently her eyes are a lovely blue - turquoise color

Her body structure is strong, sturdy and cobby, yet dainty and all girly, girl !   A sweet, sweet Persian kitten !

Her sire - " Onyx of Eden "  a coal black silky coated Persian and a short cobby body and short tail passes his body structure to " Truffles " !  

" Truffles"  loves to play and does well with other Persians   She is active, and a good eater !

If you are seeking an unusal colored Persian of many colors, this kitten is a good choice.  Her dam a solid white Persian and her sire coal Black !   

"  Willow "

Shaded Golden Male 


A fabulous collection to choose from!  

We usually do not have this many to choose from 

Moms produced large litters   Choose a kitten to take home !

Ask about Willow


Reserved for Kathleen  


"  Mikey "

Sold to  Sau (Abby)

Now resides in Hong Kong 

" Makya"

formerly named " Hunter " 



" Cutie "

Tortoishell Female

Silver Chinchilla Doll Face Male Persian 

Doll Face  Female !

More Available Kittens Descriptions

  Very Sweet Personality   !

Tortoishell ​​

Chocolate - creme -gold- white - black 


" Truffles  "

" Jeremy "

" Truffles  "

Perfect Doll Face !

Lovely soft mink textured coat !

   " The Little Prince " ​​


The Little Prince's" coat is a mink like

Chinchilla texture which is highly sought after   

This little boy is the first to trot over to you when you

enter the room    He is full of the dickens, bold, intelligent, playful and very sweet    He is kind and adores your presence !   He plays well with other kittens and eats well  One of our finest "Moms" 

Sold 6 - 9 - 18


Silver Chinchilla Female Persian kitten

A very tiny female Persian kitten !

Dainty in every way !

" Ima Cutesy"   is so adorable !   A real princess and lady !

She is no sissy . . . does not let the boys be rough with her !

She will play just as hard as them !

" Ima Cutesy"  is so tiny, you can hold her in one hand at 10 weeks old !    Her eyes at this age are so large, indicates will have amazingly large expressive eyes

Dark piercing eyes at this age later are very intense, rich, true emerald green eyes !   

Many breeders post emerald green eyes, however, her sire; Prince Amar has the most stunning, brilliant Emerald Green eyes that pass to his offspring !  This lovely female daughter is already showing beautiful eyes in size, shape and color !

What a beautiful face to wake up to !  

" Ima Cutesy "  is very playful and adorable to watch her play !

She will find a toy and maybe you as a toy and entertain you !

She is very light weight and predicted to stay small ! 

Her dam is so, so sweet !   Took real good care of her babies !

This is so important for kittens development ! 

Reserve this lovely, tiny Silver Chinchilla female kitten today !

​Now with Sherry and her family

Montgomery TX

" Small  Persians

unmatched with quality -

personalities - pedigrees-

and how they are nurtured and socialized from day one ! "

" Beautiful multi - colored coat  ! "



Emerald Green  Eyes !


- right kitten

" Jeremy "

Shaded Silver Female Persian kitten

This tiny little girl was one we were considering keeping 

" Sparkle "  Newly posted -  available to a loving home,  Named "Sparkle" as her coloring is a clean white and silver sparkling color !  So beautiful too look at !  

She is a lovely Shaded Silver lightly misted in a sparkly Silver accents and a clean white undercoat

Her coat is soft, fluffy and very easy to care for !

  Possessing large expressive eyes

that are currently Turquoise   

" Sparkle " is playful, cute as the dickens, so tiny you

have to laugh as you see her trot across the room

in a feather like movement

If you are lucky enough to acquire this little girl,

she will be the love of your life !   

So dainty, light as a feather !   

Even though she is so small, her body is well built 

A cobby body, nice wide chest, short tail,

amazingly purrfect !

Very Tiny Persian Female Kitten !

​" Bobbie McGee "

Silver Chinchilla  Male

DOB July 2017

> Examine this stunning Silver Persian's facial features . . .

He possesses a stunning and perfect Doll Face

with extra large eyes that are accented with a 

heavy black outliner

All of the facial features,

such as eyes, nose and mouth are outlined in black !

>  Perfect turn up red brick nose

>  Correct round crown 

> Black Leather Paw Pads

> Top Bred Chinchilla Persian

>  Perfect in every way !
>  So, so Sweet 
>  Luxurious Chinchilla coat

>  A Silver Chinchilla like this doesn't come around often -

> Chosen as a Cattery keeper in 2017

Top produced male Chinchilla to date

only ​10 months old 



Turquoise Eyes   !

More information about these kittens will be added . . .

If you like one of these . . . best reserve your kitten today !  

Shaded Golden

Photo 6-3-18


Shaded Silver Female


" Asher"

Everything is a toy !   Even you !

 Doll Face - Silver Chinchilla sired by Saafir

" Chirp "

Silver Chinchilla Male 

Crystal as a baby

" Adults "


" Sparkle "

 2018 AvailablePersian Kittens

"  Truffles  "

Tortoishell Female

" Jeremy "

" Look at me now !   

Gorgeous as ever ! "

Mom - Snow White - blue eyes

Dad - Silky Black - green eyes

2 White Doll Face Male Kittens Available

" The Snow Prince "

<  Available  >

" Truffles "

Tortoishell Female 

Multi - Color

Chocolat - Gold - Creme - White - Black 


- left kitten


Tequila Sunrise

" Truffles  "

"  Tequila Sunrise "

For Sale  >

"  Mikey "

Stunning Turquoise

Eyes and rare

Emerald Green Eyes !

Lovely facial markings  !


Choose one of these lovely very small Persian kittens today !

Ask about available adult Persians