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on Cat and Dog

top quality pet vitamins and  more !

Top Pet Industry Scientists create ground-breaking 
Pet Supplement Formula -

NuVet Plus ®the highest quality of nutritional
​pet supplement on the market today!

ProductsNuVet Labs® is dedicated to providing the finest in nutritional supplements for pets. 8 years of painstaking research and development brought about our ground-breaking formulas that have been created by a team of top pet industry scientists, veterinarians and formulators with one goal in mind: "To make the highest quality nutritional pet supplement on the market today and to ensure that our product will fight diseases at their core while providing the ingredients vital to sustaining health and quality of life for your pets in their years to come."More than mere vitamins, NuVet® goes beyond industry standards by using only 100% all natural, human grade ingredients that are microscopically tested for purity and potency. We then utilize a FDA registered laboratory for formulation and specially compound using state-of-the-art manufacturing techniques. Because most pets lack proper nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in their diet, even when they are getting the top of the line food, NuVet® scientists understood the necessity of filling this dangerous gap. Commercial pet foods can contain harmful “by-products” and useless fillers that can be toxic to pets, causing allergies and serious diseases. This typical diet creates a scenario whereby their food may actually be creating unstable oxygen molecules known as free radicals. These free radicals have been shown to be a cause for a wide range of health problems including heart disease, arthritis, cataracts, premature aging and many different forms of cancer. NuVet Labs® has been on the forefront of pet health since 1997.  NuVet® formulations have been studied by numerous Universities who have discovered that our ingredients and exceptional compounding properties are designed to fight illnesses at their root source and strengthen immune systems to keep pets strong and healthy. Take a look at our products to see why.
About NuVet Plus

We love animals and we know you love them too ! It is known, the majority of dogs and cats are not receiving a complete, healthy diet, and many become ill and die prematurely due to poor nutrition and/or poor manufactured pet products.  Here at NuVet Labs®, it is our sincere goal and dedicated mission is to help increase your pet's longevity and quality of life.

NuVet Plus ® for Felines and NuVet Plus® for Canines, provide the very best human - grade, natural ingredients available and utilize the latest advances in medical, veterinary, and nutritional science. NuVet Labs ® pledges to adhere to the highest standards in products and services. NuVet’s goal is to maintain a lasting and caring relationship with its family of NuVet Plus customers and the pets they love!


" Here at TinyPersians.com we have used numerous feline products, brands for our breeding stock, there has not been one product that delivers results like NuVet Plus Cat and Dog Vitamin Supplements.  Even our Vet recommendations of vitamins supplied by their clinic did not match or bring results like NuVet Plus.  Matter of fact, those vitamins showed no visible signs with its use.

However, with the use of NuVet Plus Feline Supplements, in a very short time the coat condition of each of our cats improved and ultimately improved to a luxurious silky, healthy long coat to each of our cats, and kittens showing playful active personalities which we sincerely accounted to the "top quality formulated NuVet Plus Supplements.   I cringe at the thought of missing one feeding without the NuVet Plus Vitamins.   We highly recommend this product and guarantee you will be hooked!  "   Order a test size at a Savings - NuVet Guarantees their products.   We tried and are dedicated in providing the utmost in quality care for each of our highly prized Persians".  


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