White Female and male Kittens


Gorgeous  Kittens!




One gorgeous Doll Face Persian kitten!

This lovely male Persian kitten is gorgeous as can be,

possessing a lovely silky, soft,snow white

Chinchilla coat with Silver accents!

He has a stunningly, gorgeous balanced Doll Face!

He was named "Cosmo" as he is so stunningly beautiful in every way!

Cosmo is boy's name of Greek origin meaning "order, beauty, universe"!
"Cosmo" has black leather paw pads and black eyeliner !

He grooms and baths well and accepts the blow dyer!

Sired by Prince Amar
and out of our top producing dam "Love Song"​

If you are seeking a gorgeous tiny Persian . . . 

reserve " Cosmo " today!


 Black SmokeMale 

Reserved 12-5-23  for Ellie & Eildar San Antonio, Texas

​​"Princess Jolene"   Dam

"Little Dalia"

" Teddy"   Available

​​"Arlo"   Silver Chinchilla male Persian kitten 

'This lovely Silver Chinchilla Persian Kitten has a gentle nature about him!

He has a sweet personality that will surely capture your heart!

He loves to please, is playful and a good eater!

He is stunning beautiful with a luxurious, silky

and soft Chinchilla coat that is easy to care for

and stays beautiful all the time!

He has a white undercoat with a soft mist of Silver !

His face stays clean and he baths and grooms well!

A good boy!

Reserve this sweetheart today!

Merry Christmas!  

"Little Logan" 






Beautiful Doll Face Persian kitten!​​

"Atticus" a Silver Chinchilla Persian male kitten 

He has an amazing fluffy, soft and silky Chinchilla

coat misted with silver accents

"Atticus" has a full fluffy tail that is above the ordinary!

He stays clean all the time including his face!

He has "Fancy Feast" Doll Face look!

He was named "Atticus" as

being very noble looking and bold!

Attica was an ancient region in Greece that was known for

its strong and noble people 

It is a masculine name denoting admirable qualities!

All of this describes this one of a kind Persian kitten "Atticus" !
He has black eyeliner with another strong white ring

around the black outlier !

Sired by the highly valued imported sire "*Saafir"
and out of our top producing
dam line "Love Song"​

"Love Song" now retired we have a new star dam named Sahara!

"Atticus's" dam "Sahara" is proving to out produce our best!

"Sahara's "dam is "Somewhere My Love" out of the dam "Love Song"!

If you are seeking a gorgeous male Doll Face Persian

that is truly special . . .  Reserve " Atticus " today!

​is Sister is Sabrina and has sold to Nancy

​​​" Johan"   

Silver Chinchilla male Persian kitten 

"Johan" is a very tiny Silver Chinchilla

male Persian Kitten

out of a dam that is only 3.5 pounds!

He will stay very small

yet you can see his strong cobby body structure!

He has a very fluffy, luxurious coat that is easy to care for!

He baths and grooms well!

He has a light undercoat

with an evenly misted Silver on his coat!

Reserve this little guy today today!

5 weeks old


Sold   12-6-23


Reservation Pending 11-26-23

Sold  Departed 12-6-23

"Little Dalia"

A very tiny Silver Chinchilla female Persian kitten!

"Dalia's"  Dam  (Mom) is < 4  pounds

and this little girl is will be very tiny!

"Little Dalia"  has a lovely silky Silver Chinchilla coat 

She is a little lady that will surely grab your heart!

"Little Dalia"  is sweet natured, loves to play,

is active and trots over to you when you enter the room!

Her eye color is predicted to be a brilliant green color!

Her sire is an outstanding imported Persian  "Saafir"

who is known for producing clean, luxurious Chinchilla coats!

Reserve this little Princess today!


​Brother is Arian!

 Reserved  for Angelina of Texas

"Little Dalia"

6 weeks old in these photos!

Reserve one of these little Persian kittens early!  . . . 

Available ​​

A white female and male Kittens with odd eyes . . .  

Blue, green and Gold eyes!
Gorgeous little Persian and Exotic Persian kittens

sweet - sweet and

amazing clean snow white coat, pink paw pads, pink nose

and odd eyes 

Easy to care for coats- silky smooth coats

that stays clean and gorgeous!  

Reserve one today!

A Snow white kittens !


" Black "


One gorgeous Doll Face Female Persian kitten!​​
This tiny lady is extremely small

Her Dam is only 3.5 pounds!)!

She was named "Peekaboo" as she loves to hide, peek at you

and hurrys out to do a side dance and

then back behind her tower and peeks at you again!

When you play Peekaboo with her, she gets real excited

and starts doing her little "Peekaboo" dance and makes a funny sound as she plays!  Absolutely adorable!

All personality and a smart little girl!

"Peekaboo" is a Silver Chinchilla with a very soft, silky full, fluffy coat!
"Peekaboo" has black leather paw pads and black eyeliner !

She baths and grooms well and accepts the blow dyer!

If you are seeking a very tiny female Persian,

this little girl will entertain you!

Reserve " Peekaboo " today!

"I have a sister named "Princess Priscilla" 

and a brother "Little Logan!" sold 12-3-23



Sold   12-6-23



12-3-23 for Andrea, Justin & Family - California

" Very tiny!"



"Tiny Aries" 

Doll Face male Persian kitten!​​
"Tiny Aries"  a male Persian kitten has a snow white undercoat

lightly misted with soft silver accents!

He has a sound body structure and will remain small !

"Tiny Aries" has a perfect Doll Face with a strong black outliner around his eyes which makes his eyes stand out way across the room!

Additionally he possesses black outliner around his lips and nose

He has black leather paw pads!

"Aries is predicted to have stunning green eye color!

He is playful, sweet, baths and grooms well and a good eater!

If you are seeking a lovely male Persian kitten

with a stunning Silver Chinchilla coat,

"Tiny Aries" is a good choice!

12-3-23  3.23 pounds


" Reserve  "Tiny Aries"  today!

"White Kittens"

Ask about all available Persian kittens

Only a few featured below

White  Persians -  Available

Silver Chinchilla Persians   -  Available 

Shaded Silvers Persians   -  Available

Blacks Persians  -   Available

Shaded Golden  Persians -  Available


View Available Persian Kittens below . . .


​Extra small Persian kitten!

 White Male & Females 

  Reserved for TinyPersians!

"Princess Priscilla"

    Shaded Golden Persian For Sale  

"Very Tiny Doll Face Persian Kittens !"





Tiny Aries, Eldora,  Black,  Dalia

Reserved for Nancy 10-20-23

Sold 12-6-23
Departed 12-7-23


Extremely small male Persian kitten!

" Tiny Aries" 

Tiny Aries,  Eldora,  Dalia,  Black male

Fluffy, tiny male Persian Kitten


Gorgeous  little boy!


"Litter of 4"

2 Silver Chinchillas

Shaded Golden


"Little Logan"

An adorable very tiny

Doll Face male Persian kitten!
This Silver Chinchilla male Persian kitten is named "Little Logan"

as he is extremely small and ever so cute!

Only 1.3 pounds in his first photos!

He will remain small as his dam is only 3.5 pounds!

"Little Logan"  has a very soft, silky Chinchilla coat!
. . .  and has black leather paw pads and black eyeliner

with expressive eyes with a Doll Face look !

He is the sweetest kitten, follows you around, taps your foot to say hi!

He is a good boy when bathing and grooming,

including the blow dryer!

If you are seeking a very tiny male Persian,

this little boyis an excellent choice if you want sweet, playful and tiny!

reserve " Little Logan" today!

"I have 2 sisters named "​
 "Peekaboo" and "Priscilla"

" Tiny Aries" 

Playful, inquisitive and gorgeous !

"Peekaboo Sister

"Princess Pricilla"!





"Tali"is a snow white female Persian kitten 

RESERVED 10-15-23  Departed October 2023

Her coat is a flawlessly clean white that is extra soft,

silky and luxurious that is easy to care for!

She accepts baths, blow drying and grooming!
She possesses odd eyes

with one beautiful crystal blue eye and one gold eye

Stunningly beautiful!

"Tali" is a very tiny girl that is ultra sweet!

A"Little Love Bunny!"

She was named "Tali"  as it means . . .  Lovable in every way!

She loves to cuddle and looks straight in your eyes with love!

If you want a sweetheart and a kitten to snuggle with . . .

"Tali" is a good choice!

Her sire is "The Snow Prince"



3.06 pounds 12-3-23

​​​​"Tali "  

"Tiny Aries"

"Little Dalia"

December  2023 Available  Persian Kittens

"Silver Chinchilla Male Persian kitten Available"