
Cute and playful!





#1  London   Sold 12-19-22 Correct, cobby body, lovely coat, sweet, playful, dam Juliette's Dawn!

#2   Oliver   Sold 11-14-22  Very small - soft personality! Easy coat to care for, eyes predicted to be stunning!

#3   Saul  Sold 11-22-22  - Small - gorgeous eyes, correct cobby body, exquisite Doll Face look, beautiful Coat!

#4   Emma's  Boy    Available -  All Time smallest !  Extremely small 1 pound 3 ounces 8 weeks old,

very playful, top pick kitten, extreme cobby body and extra short tail just wants to make you laugh ! 

One of the smallest ever produced!

#5   Little Amy   - Sold 12-2-22   - Extremely small Silver Chinchilla female -  A little Princess!

#6   Anna - Sold 11-28-22   Silver Chinchilla both sisters will be extremely small est 3.5 #

Discover these kittens photos and descriptions below !

Emma's Boy


"Gorgeous male available"

Silver Chinchilla Male Persian Kitten

This is one extraordinary Silver Chinchilla male Persian kitten out of a top producing dam named "Somewhere My Love"

and the imported sire named "Saafir"

"Lover Boy" is perfect in many ways!

His coat is snow white and just a slight accent of Silver

on his tail and misted on his back!

You see more white, however,

looking carefully you will see the silver sparkle !

This line produces clean, silky Chinchilla coats

that DOES NOT MAT!   What a gem!   

He has a perfect Doll Face look with a strong black outliner around his well developed nose

His small ears are covered with thick fur -

not bald ears like you may find elsewhere!

We carefully bred and all of our kittens

 with outstanding characteristics highly sought after!

He is such an outstanding "boy"

we are considering keeping him!

His full brothers from a previous litter

and named . . . Mi Lord and Dilan!

An absolutely perfect Chinchilla Persian kitten like this,

does not come along every day!

He is estimated to be small!

 Mom is less than 4 pounds, Dad is 5 pounds

Gorgeous Doll Face

# 1

"Smoke Kittens"   

" Female Smoke  "     

Very tiny Silver Chinchilla Persian female 

 extremely small, little lady and soft silky hair!

Mom only 3.8 pounds and Dad 5 pounds!


Gorgeous rare Black Smoke kittens

"Sparkle" a female and "Smokie" male are available!

Their eyes are predicted to be a stunning color

What is a smoke color?

They will have a clean white undercoat and 

black accents on the top of the coat!

Some have more black then others 

Born on September 19, 2022

His dam is Giovanna daughter!

Sire is Satin Lover a coal black sire!

Two peas in a pod!  They would be a lovely

addition to any household!

Non fussy eaters - Gorgeous facial features!

​Reserve one today!


Amy                          Sparkle                           Anna                            Sparkle                    London



2022 Christmas Persian Kittens

Newborns . . . reserve a Christmas kitten today!

​DOB November 2022

2023 Valentine's Day Persian Kittens

DOB 12-3-22

Black Smoke   Male - Female  # 6 & #  7

Gorgeous Doll Face Silver Chinchilla

Elaine & husband from Austin, TX

take home "Little Amy"

" Male Smoke  "     


Sweet and all Girly Girl !


Dam - "Juliette's Noel"

Black  Smoke  Female  # 7

Black  Smoke  Male  # 6

" Female Smoke  "     



Sweet personality!

2022  December Available  Kittens


" Female Smoke  "     

" Male Smoke  "     




" Female Smoke  "     

Beautiful Chinchilla coat !

Choose a 2022 Winter Persian Kitten !

Silver Chinchillas, Shaded Silvers, Black Smoke  . . .

Reserve one of these adorable kittens today!



Sis's Boy named   

" Lover Boy "

White  Boy

Playful !


Female Persian



Reserve one a current available Persian kitten !

 Or you Want a 2022 Christmas kitten?

Reserve in advance!

" Male Smoke  "     


"Stormie" & "Sparkle"

" Male Smoke  "     

"Smokie"  & "Sparkle"



"Little Gabrielle "

Gabrielle as a newborn !

A gorgeous kitten from day one!

Look at this pretty face!

"Emma's Boy"

Shaded Silver Male Persian Kitten


"Emma's Boy"a very special and Shaded Silver Persian male

kitten that is extremely tiny, yet well built! 

Only 1 pound 3 ounces at 8 weeks old!

This kitten is extremely small!

Has a cobby body and fluffy coat!

He will certainly entertain you

as he is all personality!

Easily entertains himself, however,

when you enter the room  . . .

his eyes are on you - greeting you

and wanting to be with you!

He is alert, playful big time and hard to believe how small he is!

His Dam is out of the Giovanna line and

that means extraordinary personalities and

correct conformation

along with a cute Doll Face look!

Reserve him today! 

> A new litter DOB

December 3rd  2022 !

Reserve in Advance a newborn Persian kitten !

 We have a very tiny Silver Chinchilla Persian kittens available

Standard size also available

These kittens have been carefully bred to produce outstanding DOLL FACE Persian kittens !

Ask how you can take home one of these kittens

in November or December 2022 !

Want one sooner?

We have other 2022 Persian kittens

ready to depart right now!

Choose a Persian kitten

1 week old or older!

Smart and alert !

"Smokie"  & "Sparkle"

"Little Amy"  

Reserved  12-2-22  SOLD

A very tiny Silver female Persian kitten

out of the a dam that produces

mink textured coats!

Ever so soft, silky and luxurious!

Her kittens are tiny and very sweet!

"Little Amy " predicted to have

excellent eye color and a perfect Doll Face!

She is petite and will have black eye liner

and black leather paw pads 

​A top pick kitten!

A perfect Silver Chinchilla Persian  


Mom is 3.8 pounds -  Dad is 5 pounds

Take home one of these Persian kittens today  !


"Gabrielle  is a tiny Silver Chinchilla female Persian kitten

Gabrielle is a French feminine name & that is what she is!

All girly girl and a Princess at that!

Her mom is the lovely dam of perfection! - "Love Song"

Her dad is a top TinyPersian Sire - "Prince Amar"

producing very tiny Persians 

This kitten is a full sister to "Somewhere My Love" and

a full sister to "Pooh Bear"

Chinchillas are known for silky, luxurious coats !

Her eyes are predicted to be a brilliant green color !

She has a sweet personality and extremely intelligent wanting to learn!

Gabrielle is a real gem and will make a wonderful buddy!

She is playful and has a calm and has a sweet personality ! 

DOB 2022

" Female Smoke  "     

" Male Smoke  "     

#1  London  Available Correct, sweet, playful, top pick kitten, dam Juliette's Dawn!  Amazing coat!

#2   Ben -   Available Shaded Silver male, with the sweetest personality, smarter than the dickens!  

#3  White Boy -   Available  Snow white male. mink textured coat!   Smart and playful!

#4  Oliver  Sold Small- soft personality! Easy coat to care for, eyes predicted to be stunning!

#5   Emma's  Boy -  Available Extremely small 1.3 # at 12 weeks, playful, top pick, one of the smallest ever produced!

#6 - #7   Black Smoke male and female  Available - full fluffy coated, large expressive eyes!  Twins!

#8  - #9   Two Silver Persian females Sold- very tiny, 5 weeks old, ask about these tiny ladies!  Amy and Anna 

#10   Paul Sold 12-12-22- Silver Chinchilla male Doll Face look 

#11   Saul  Sold -  Very small - gorgeous eyes!  Correct cobby body, exquisite Doll Face look!

#12   NEW LITTER DOB 12-3-22 Three (3) Available Persian Kittens (Black female, Golden female, Silver Male)

Ask about Little Gabrielle, Gwen, Paul and My Lord!

​These kittens are available For Sale - Reserve today!

Reserve one today !


Very small

"Stormie" & "Sparkle"

"Sparkle" >

Five (5) Silver, Smoke and White Persian Male Kittens



Anna  # 8

 " Choose a kitten today ! "   Ask about TinyPersian's New Litter of 3!   DOB 12-3-22!  

" Male Smoke  "     

Dam - "Somewhere My Love"




" Female Smoke  "     


Parti Color Longhair Exotic Persian 

This link takes you to the breeder

PurrDelites Cattery

who is a sister site of TinyPersians Cattery!

Reserve her today!


Amy  # 9

 " Merry Christmas ! "



Ben                       Emma's Boy                       Anna                              London                             White Boy






" Female Smoke  "     

Reserved  11-15-22


Litter few minutes old

Persian Kittens  Available  

True perfection!


" Male Smoke  "     
